首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >Introducing GIS-modelling into the management of a brown rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) (Mamm. Rodentia Muridae) population in an urban habitat.

Introducing GIS-modelling into the management of a brown rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) (Mamm. Rodentia Muridae) population in an urban habitat.

机译:将GIS模型引入到城市栖息地的褐鼠(Rattus norvegicus Berk。)(Mamm。Rodentia Muridae)种群的管理中。

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The landscape of three test areas of an urban environment was efficiently assessed for its ability to support brown rats (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) by successfully integrating habitat suitability modelling using GIS (Geographical Information System). The GIS model, validated using an independent set of rat observations, and a model analysis showed the potential of different habitats for rat occurrence. Because of its use of general land-cover types, the model could be applied to other cities. This model system will be used for the entire city area of Salzburg in the near future. In this publication, we present the results of the pilot GIS model..
机译:通过成功整合GIS(地理信息系统)的栖息地适应性模型,有效评估了城市环境中三个测试区域的景观,以支持褐鼠(Rattus norvegicus Berk。)。 GIS模型使用一组独立的大鼠观测值进行了验证,并进行了模型分析,显示了不同生境在大鼠身上的潜能。由于使用了一般的土地覆盖类型,因此该模型可以应用于其他城市。该模型系统将在不久的将来用于萨尔茨堡的整个城市地区。在此出版物中,我们介绍了GIS试点模型的结果。



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