首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pineal research >A test of the coincidence and duration models of melatonin action in Siberian hamsters. II. The effects of 4- and 8-hr melatonin infusions on testicular development of pinealectomized juvenile Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus).

A test of the coincidence and duration models of melatonin action in Siberian hamsters. II. The effects of 4- and 8-hr melatonin infusions on testicular development of pinealectomized juvenile Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus).

机译:西伯利亚仓鼠褪黑激素作用的巧合和持续时间模型的测试。二。 4小时和8小时褪黑素输注对松果体切除的幼小西伯利亚仓鼠(Phodopus sungorus)睾丸发育的影响。

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In a previous paper we demonstrated that properly timed 1-hr infusions of 50 ng melatonin effectively suppressed testicular development in juvenile Siberian hamsters. Only melatonin infused between 20:00 and 21:00 hr was effective in animals exposed to 16L (lights off 20:00 hr). In this paper we further investigate the importance of the coincidence and duration hypotheses of daily exposure of melatonin. Prepubertal Siberian hamsters received either 4- or 8-hr melatonin infusions at various times either on long photoperiod (LD 16:8 = 16L) or on short photoperiod (LD 10:14 = 10L). Daily 8-hr melatonin infusions suppressed testicular development in both photoperiods. Daily 4-hr, 50 ng/hr, melatonin infusions at 17:00-21:00 hr inhibited testicular growth in 16L and daily 4-hr melatonin infusions (either 50 ng/h or 50 ng/day) inhibited testicular growth at 17:00-21:00 hr in 10L. We also tested the efficacy of an interrupted melatonin infusion of long duration (8 hr). Pinealectomized prepubertal male Siberian hamsters, born on 16L, were infused with two signals of 4 hr separated by an interval of 2 hr. Melatonin-infused groups had significantly inhibited testicular growth compared to vehicle-infused animals. Testicular development was maximally inhibited only in those groups in which the period of melatonin sensitivity identified in the previous paper (20:00-21:00 hr) overlapped or immediately followed a period of melatonin infusion. Considering the restrictions of the experimental design employed in these studies, the results are best explained by the hypothesis that the photoperiodic gonadal response in juvenile Siberian hamsters is regulated by the coincidence in time of exogenously administered melatonin with an intrinsic rhythm of sensitivity to melatonin, which occurred at 20:00-21:00 hr. The duration of the melatonin signal alone can not explain the results.
机译:在先前的论文中,我们证明了正确定时的1小时50 ng褪黑素输注可有效抑制幼年西伯利亚仓鼠的睾丸发育。在暴露于16L(20:00小时熄灭)的动物中,只有在20:00和21:00之间注入的褪黑素才有效。在本文中,我们进一步研究了褪黑激素每日接触的巧合和持续时间假说的重要性。青春期前西伯利亚仓鼠在长时期(LD 16:8 = 16L)或短时期(LD 10:14 = 10L)在不同时间接受了4或8小时褪黑激素输注。每天注入8小时的褪黑素可抑制两种光周期的睾丸发育。每天4小时,50 ng / hr,17:00-21:00 hr褪黑素输注可抑制16L睾丸的生长,每天4小时褪黑素(50 ng / h或50 ng / day)可抑制17L睾丸的生长。 10升:00-21:00小时。我们还测试了长时间(8小时)间断褪黑素输注的疗效。松果体切除的青春期前雄性西伯利亚仓鼠出生于16L,注入了两个2小时间隔为4小时的信号。与溶媒注入的动物相比,输注褪黑素的组明显抑制了睾丸的生长。仅在先前论文中确定的褪黑激素敏感期(20:00-21:00 hr)重叠或在褪黑素输注一段时间后立即进行的那些组中,睾丸发育受到最大抑制。考虑到这些研究中所使用的实验设计的局限性,该假说最好地解释了这一假设:幼年西伯利亚仓鼠的光周期性腺反应受外来给药褪黑激素的时间重合的影响,而褪黑激素的固有节奏对褪黑激素敏感发生在20:00-21:00时。单独的褪黑激素信号持续时间不能解释结果。



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