首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pineal research >Keeping track of time under ice and snow in a sub-arctic lake: plasma melatonin rhythms in Arctic charr overwintering under natural conditions.

Keeping track of time under ice and snow in a sub-arctic lake: plasma melatonin rhythms in Arctic charr overwintering under natural conditions.


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Although photoperiod is considered as a major environmental cue for timing of seasonal events in fish, little is known about the photic information perceived by fish in different aquatic environments. The strongly seasonal Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, reside in lakes covered by thick ice and snow throughout the dark winter in the north. In the present study, we have measured diel changes in their plasma melatonin concentrations from September to June in Lake Storvatnet (70 degrees N), northern Norway. In addition, we have measured the in vitro melatonin production of Arctic charr pineal glands held at experimental light conditions. From September to April a diel profile in plasma melatonin was seen in the charr in Lake Storvatn, with highest concentrations at night. This profile reflected the prevailing above-surface photoperiod, even in February when there were minimal changes in sub-surface irradiance between day and night. In June, plasma melatonin was low throughout the 24-hr cycle, despite there being a marked sub-surface difference in irradiance between night and day. At this time the irradiance in night probably remained above the threshold for suppression of melatonin production. The in vitro experiments revealed no endogenous rhythm in the pineal melatonin secretion, supporting the conclusion that the diel profile seen in the Arctic charr in their natural habitat was driven by ambient photoperiod. In conclusion, the Arctic charr appear to keep track of time even under the extreme conditions of high latitudes during winter, when lakes have thick ice and snow cover.
机译:尽管光周期被认为是鱼类季节性事件发生时间的主要环境提示,但是人们对不同水生环境中鱼类感知到的光信息知之甚少。北极极度季节性的北极鲑鱼Salvelinus alpinus栖息在北部整个黑暗冬季中被厚厚的冰雪覆盖的湖泊中。在当前的研究中,我们测量了挪威北部斯托瓦特奈特湖(北纬70度)从9月到6月血浆中褪黑激素浓度的diel变化。此外,我们还测量了在实验光照条件下北极Charr松果体的褪黑激素的体外产生。从9月到4月,在斯托瓦特湖的炭黑中发现血浆褪黑激素的diel分布图,夜间浓度最高。即使在2月白天和晚上之间次表面辐照度变化很小的情况下,该轮廓仍反映了盛行的表面光周期。在六月,血浆褪黑激素在整个24小时周期中均较低,尽管白天和黑夜之间的辐照度存在明显的亚表面差异。此时,夜间的辐照度可能仍高于抑制褪黑激素产生的阈值。体外实验未发现松果体褪黑激素分泌的内源性节律,支持了这样的结论,即在其自然栖息地中,北极红r中见到的diel轮廓是由环境光周期驱动的。总而言之,即使在冬季高纬度的极端条件下,当湖泊的冰雪覆盖较厚时,北极红鲑似乎仍能追踪时间。



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