首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pediatric oncology nursing: official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses >Sleep habits and fatigue of children receiving maintenance chemotherapy for ALL and their parents.

Sleep habits and fatigue of children receiving maintenance chemotherapy for ALL and their parents.


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The study of potential contributors to fatigue, such as sleep disturbance, has been identified as a research priority in pediatric cancer. The primary objective of this descriptive study was to explore relationships between sleep habits, sleep disturbance, and fatigue for children receiving maintenance chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). This study also described sleep habits, sleep disturbance, and fatigue of parents of children and adolescents with ALL and determined if relationships existed between parent and child sleep disturbance and fatigue. Using a descriptive, cross-sectional design, children aged 4-18 years receiving maintenance chemotherapy for ALL and their parents completed questionnaires about their sleep and fatigue. Sleep disturbance was common in both children (87%) and parents (48%) and sleep disturbance scores were positively correlated with fatigue scores. From qualitative written responses to open-ended questions, 9 themes emerged related to sleep for children undergoing maintenance chemotherapy for ALL. Sleep differences noted since diagnosis included (1) sleep is disturbed, (2) sleep habits have changed, and (3) sleep is unchanged or improved. Things that got in the way of children sleeping well included (4) side effects of medication, especially dexamethasone; and (5) medication schedules. Things that helped children get sleep at night were (6) sleeping with someone, (7) comforting activities or routine, (8) medications, and (9) food and drink. Sleep disturbance in children on ALL maintenance and their parents is common and likely contributes to increased fatigue and is a potential target for nursing interventions.
机译:潜在的疲劳成因研究(例如睡眠障碍)已被确定为小儿癌症的研究重点。这项描述性研究的主要目的是探讨接受急性化疗的急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)儿童的睡眠习惯,睡眠障碍和疲劳之间的关系。这项研究还描述了ALL患儿的青少年的父母的睡眠习惯,睡眠障碍和疲劳,并确定父母与孩子的睡眠障碍和疲劳之间是否存在关系。使用描述性横断面设计,对4-18岁的儿童进行ALL维持性化疗,其父母填写了有关其睡眠和疲劳的调查表。睡眠障碍在儿童(87%)和父母(48%)中都很常见,睡眠障碍评分与疲劳评分呈正相关。从定性的书面回答到不限成员名额的问题,出现了9个主题,涉及接受ALL维持化疗的儿童的睡眠。自诊断以来就注意到了睡眠差异,包括(1)睡眠受到干扰,(2)睡眠习惯发生了变化,(3)睡眠未改变或得到改善。阻碍儿童良好睡眠的因素包括(4)药物的副作用,尤其是地塞米松; (5)用药时间表。帮助孩子在晚上入睡的事情是(6)与某人一起睡觉;(7)进行舒适的活动或例行活动;(8)药物;以及(9)食物和饮料。维持ALL的儿童及其父母的睡眠障碍很常见,可能导致疲劳增加,并且可能是护理干预的目标。



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