
MLC1: a novel protein in distal astroglial processes.


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Megaloencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a progressive cerebral white matter disease in children caused by mutations in the MLC1 gene. This disease is histopathologically characterized by myelin splitting and intramyelinic vacuole formation. MLC1 encodes a novel protein, MLC1, which is mainly expressed in the brain and leukocytes. The function is unknown, although a transport function has been suggested. In this article, we provide experimental data addressing the membrane topology and cellular localization of MLC1. We show that MLC1 contains an even number of transmembrane domains, supporting the possible transport function of MLC1. We demonstrate that MLC1 is specifically expressed in distal astroglial processes in perivascular, subependymal, and subpial regions. This localization suggests a role for MLC1 in a transport process across the blood-brain and brain-cerebrospinal fluid barriers. Astrocyte functions have long been debated. It is becoming increasingly clear that these cells are of fundamental importance in maintaining the structural and functional integrity of neural tissue. Elucidation of the function of MLC1 will contribute to a better understanding of not only the pathophysiology of the disease, but also the role of astrocytes in normal neural tissue.
机译:患有皮质下囊肿的大脑白质脑病(MLC)是儿童中由MLC1基因突变引起的进行性脑白质病。这种疾病的组织病理学特征是髓鞘分裂和髓内液泡形成。 MLC1编码一种新型蛋白质MLC1,该蛋白质主要在脑和白细胞中表达。尽管建议使用运输功能,但该功能未知。在本文中,我们提供了针对MLC1的膜拓扑和细胞定位的实验数据。我们显示MLC1包含偶数个跨膜结构域,支持MLC1的可能转运功能。我们证明,MLC1在血管周围,室管膜下和脑膜下区域的远端星形胶质细胞过程中特异性表达。这种定位表明MLC1在跨血脑和脑脊髓液屏障的转运过程中发挥了作用。星形胶质细胞功能长期以来一直在争论。越来越清楚的是,这些细胞对于维持神经组织的结构和功能完整性至关重要。阐明MLC1的功能不仅有助于更好地理解该疾病的病理生理,而且有助于星形胶质细胞在正常神经组织中的作用。



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