
Extrusion of corpora amylacea from the marginal gila at the vestibular root entry zone.


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We have studied the vestibular nerve in patents suffering from Meniere' s disease and vascular cross-compression syndrome of the root entry zone due to close contact with the nerve of the antero-inferior cerebellar artery or one of its branches. All patients underwent vestibular neurectomy using the restrosigmoid approach which allows the resection of a relatively long nerve segment. In all the studied vestibular nerves a central and a peripheral zone could be distinguished. In the central zone, a massive accumulation of corpora amylacea (CA) was detected in the cytoplasm of astrocytes. Many CA were seen to protrude from the central nervous system into the pial connective tissue. These structures resembled sessile or predunculated polyps, with a complex system of scissurae at their bases. CA were also found in extracellular location in the pial connective tissue near capillaries, and not wrapped by membranes. Our findings suggest that after their production in astrocytes, CA are transferred into a pialconnective tissue across the glial-limiting lamina. Thus, the present results indicate that CA do not merely represent an accumulation of abnormal material, but they could instead be part of a glio-pial system devoted to the clearance of substances from the nervous system.
机译:我们已经研究了由于与下小脑前动脉或其分支之一的神经紧密接触而遭受美尼尔氏病和根部进入区的血管交叉压缩综合症的患者的前庭神经。所有患者均使用类乙状结肠切除术进行前庭神经切除术,可切除相对较长的神经节段。在所有研究过的前庭神经中,可以区分出中央和周围区域。在中心区域,星形胶质细胞质中检测到大量的淀粉体(CA)积聚。观察到许多CA从中枢神经系统突出进入脑膜结缔组织。这些结构类似于无柄息肉或有突突的息肉,其基部有复杂的剪状系统。 CA还存在于毛细血管附近的脊髓结缔组织的细胞外位置,并且没有被膜包裹。我们的研究结果表明,在星形胶质细胞中产生CA后,CA会通过限制神经胶质的层转移到脊髓结缔组织中。因此,目前的结果表明,CA不仅代表异常物质的积累,而且它们可能是胶质-胶质系统的一部分,该胶质-胶质系统致力于清除神经系统中的物质。



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