首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Neuroscience: MN >Global microRNA expression profiling of Caenorhabditis elegans Parkinson's disease models.

Global microRNA expression profiling of Caenorhabditis elegans Parkinson's disease models.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in human brain development and maintenance. To search for miRNAs that may be involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinsons disease (PD), we utilized miRNA microarrays to identify potential gene expression changes in 115 annotated miRNAs in PD-associated Caenorhabditis elegans models that either overexpress human A53T alpha-synuclein or have mutations within the vesicular catecholamine transporter (cat-1) or parkin (pdr-1) ortholog. Here, we show that 12 specific miRNAs are differentially regulated in the animals overexpressing alpha-synuclein, five in cat-1, and three in the pdr-1 mutants. The family of miR-64 and miR-65 are co-underexpressed in the alpha-synuclein transgenic and cat-1 strains, and members of let-7 family co-underexpressed in the alpha-synuclein and pdr-1 strains; mdl-1 and ptc-1 genes are target candidates for miR-64 and miR-65 and are overexpressed in alpha-synuclein transgenic as well as miR-64/65 (tm3711) knockout animals. These results indicate that miRNAs are differentially expressed in C. elegans PD models and suggest a role for these molecules in disease pathogenesis.
机译:微小RNA(miRNA)在人类大脑的发育和维持中起着重要作用。为了寻找可能与帕金森病(PD)发病机理有关的miRNA,我们利用miRNA芯片鉴定了PD相关的秀丽隐杆线虫模型中115种带注释的miRNA的潜在基因表达变化,这些模型可能过度表达人A53Tα-突触核蛋白或具有突变在水泡儿茶酚胺转运蛋白(cat-1)或帕金(pdr-1)直系同源物中。在这里,我们显示在过表达α-突触核蛋白的动物中有12种特定的miRNA受到差异调节,cat-1中有5种,pdr-1突变体中有3种。 miR-64和miR-65家族在α-突触核蛋白转基因和cat-1菌株中共表达不足,let-7家族的成员在α-突触核蛋白和pdr-1菌株中共表达不足; mdl-1和ptc-1基因是miR-64和miR-65的目标候选物,在转基因的alpha-突触核蛋白以及miR-64 / 65(tm3711)剔除动物中过表达。这些结果表明miRNA在秀丽隐杆线虫PD模型中差异表达,并暗示这些分子在疾病发病机理中的作用。



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