首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Radiology: Journal of the Royal College of Radiologists >Commentary on eight CT lessons that we learned the hard way: an analysis of current patterns of radiological error and discrepancy with particular emphasis on CT

Commentary on eight CT lessons that we learned the hard way: an analysis of current patterns of radiological error and discrepancy with particular emphasis on CT


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"Discrepancy meetings are a sign of a well functioning department," (Maskell, pers. comm.) In 2007, the Standards Committee of The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) produced guidance on how these meetings should be conducted1 because, although there is probably no absolutely right way to run them, there are plenty of wrong ways, which at worst can involve bullying, harassment, and blame. The whole benefit of these meetings lies in their educational value, and the individual and departmental knowledge gained about how and when things go wrong in order that error can be minimized, because we know that it will never be eliminated. What can we learn in general from such meetings? Well, humility about our own errors for a start, together with the relief of finding that everyone else makes them too. The authors of "Eight lessons we learned the hard way..."3 have, however, gone further and looked in detail at what was collectively learned over a period of time in their department's discrepancy meetings and collated the most common errors that emerged.
机译:“差异会议是部门运作良好的标志,”(Maskell,个人通讯)。2007年,皇家放射学院(RCR)标准委员会就如何召开这些会议制定了指南1,因为尽管存在可能没有绝对正确的方法来运行它们,但有很多错误的方法,最坏的情况可能涉及欺凌,骚扰和责备。这些会议的全部益处在于其教育价值,并且获得了有关如何以及何时出问题的个人和部门知识,以便可以最大程度地减少错误,因为我们知道永远不会消除错误。我们从这样的会议中可以学到什么?好吧,从一开始就对我们自己的错误感到谦卑,并发现其他人也会犯同样的错误。但是,“我们从艰难的道路上学到的八课...” 3的作者走得更远,详细研究了他们部门的不符会期间一段时间内集体学习的知识,并整理了出现的最常见错误。



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