首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene >Respiratory protection for firefighters-Evaluation of CBRN canisters for use during overhaul II: In mask analyte sampling with integrated dynamic breathingmachine

Respiratory protection for firefighters-Evaluation of CBRN canisters for use during overhaul II: In mask analyte sampling with integrated dynamic breathingmachine


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According to the National Fire Protection Association there were 487,500 structural fires in the U.S. in 2013. After visible flames are extinguished firefighters begin the overhaul stage where remaining hot spots are identified and further extinguished. During overhaul, a significant amount of potentially hazardous chemicals can remain in the ambient environment. Previous research suggests that the use of air purifying respirators fitted with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) canisters may reduce occupational exposure. This study used large scale burns of representative structural materials to perform side-by-side, filtering, and service-life evaluations of commercially available CBRN filters using two head forms fitted with full-face respirators and a dynamic breathing machine. Three types of CBRN canisters and one non-CBRN cartridge were challenged in repetitive post-fire environments. Tests were conducted with two different breathing volumes and rates for two sampling durations (0-15min and 0-60min). Fifty-five different chemicals were selected for evaluation and results indicate that 10 of the 55 chemicals were present in the post-fire overhaul ambient environment. Acetaldehyde and formaldehyde were found to be the only two chemicals detected post filter but were effectively filtered to below ACGIH TLVs. Counter to our prior published work using continuous flow filter evaluation, this study indicates that, regardless of brand, CBRN filters were effective at reducing concentrations of post-fire ambient chemicals to below occupational exposure limits. However, caution should be applied when using CBRN filters as the ambient formaldehyde level in the current study was 8.9 times lower than during the previous work.
机译:根据美国国家消防协会(National Fire Protection Association)的数据,2013年美国发生了487,500起结构性火灾。在熄灭可见的火焰后,消防人员开始进入大修阶段,在此阶段,剩余的热点得以识别并进一步扑灭。大修期间,周围环境中可能残留大量潜在的危险化学品。先前的研究表明,使用装有化学,生物,放射和核(CBRN)滤罐的空气净化呼吸器可能会减少职业暴露。这项研究使用具有代表性的结构材料的大规模燃烧来对市售CBRN过滤器进行并排,过滤和使用寿命评估,方法是使用配备有全脸呼吸器和动态呼吸机的两种头型。在重复的射击后环境中,对三种类型的CBRN滤罐和一个非CBRN滤芯提出了挑战。在两个采样持续时间(0-15分钟和0-60分钟)中,使用两种不同的呼吸量和呼吸频率进行了测试。选择了55种不同的化学品进行评估,结果表明,在大修后的周围环境中存在55种化学品中的10种。发现乙醛和甲醛是在过滤后发现的仅有的两种化学物质,但已被有效过滤至ACGIH TLV以下。与我们先前发表的使用连续流量过滤器评估的工作相反,该研究表明,不管品牌如何,CBRN过滤器都能有效地将火灾后环境中的化学物质浓度降低到职业接触限值以下。但是,使用CBRN过滤器时应谨慎,因为本研究中的环境甲醛水平比以前的研究低8.9倍。



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