
Perinatal outcome after ultrasound diagnosis of anhydramnios at term


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The aim was to assess the maternal and fetal outcome in women who had labour induced for anhydramnios after 37 completed weeks of gestation. A retrospective study was conducted at the Rotunda Hospital from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2007. All women with anhydramnios at term were identified from a review of ViewPoint? (computer software for antenatal scans performed), hospital data and the labour ward register. All women with a history of previous lower segment caesarean section (LSCS), current significant medical illness such as diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia or ruptured membranes were excluded because the aim of the study was to focus specifically on low risk pregnancies with an incidental diagnosis of anhydramnios after 37 weeks' gestation. The maternal and fetal outcome parameters reviewed included: maternal age, parity, gestation, method of induction, mode of delivery, Apgar score and the requirement for obstetric or neonatal intervention. This study showed that anhydramnios is associated with a 56.6% LSCS rate in primigravida and a 19.0% LSCS rate in multigravida. Our study did not show any significant neonatal morbidity and there were no cases of mortality.
机译:目的是评估在妊娠37周后因引产性羊水过多而分娩的妇女的母体和胎儿结局。 2003年1月1日至2007年12月31日在圆形大厅医院进行了一项回顾性研究。通过对ViewPoint的审查确定了所有足月羊水过少的妇女。 (用于进行产前扫描的计算机软件),医院数据和劳动病房寄存器。所有先前有下段剖腹产(LSCS)病史,当前重大内科疾病(如糖尿病,高血压,先兆子痫或胎膜破裂)的女性均被排除在外,因为该研究的目的是专门针对偶然发生的低风险妊娠妊娠37周后诊断为羊水过少。审查的孕产妇和胎儿结局参数包括:孕产妇年龄,胎次,妊娠,引产方法,分娩方式,Apgar评分以及产科或新生儿干预的要求。这项研究表明,羊水过少与初产妇的LSCS发生率分别为56.6%和19.0%。我们的研究未显示任何明显的新生儿发病率,也没有死亡病例。



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