首页> 外文期刊>Clinical psychology : >Perceived Criticism: Biased Patients or Hypercritical Relatives? Commentary on 'Perceived Criticism: A Research Update for Clinical Practitioners'

Perceived Criticism: Biased Patients or Hypercritical Relatives? Commentary on 'Perceived Criticism: A Research Update for Clinical Practitioners'


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Masland and Hooley (2015) make a convincing case that patients' ratings on the two-item Perceived Criticism Measure (PCM) provide useful treatment planning information. One issue that has not been resolved is whether high ratings on the PCM reflect the patient's "criticality biases" or are accurate reflections of how much criticism is expressed by relatives. PCM ratings are correlated with observers' reports of how critical the relative is in interactions with the patient. Therefore, an exclusive treatment focus on PCM ratings as attributional biases risks alienating the patient, who may be perceiving the behavior of relatives accurately. If the clinician opts for a family/marital approach, communication training that fosters a dialogue between the patient and spouse or parent(s) about vulnerable emotions underlying anger may lead to shifts in the patient's interpretation of the meaning of critical comments. Future research should investigate whether PC ratings are moderators of the effectiveness of family psychoeducational interventions or individual treatments that emphasize attentional bias modification.
机译:Masland和Hooley(2015)提出了令人信服的案例,即患者对两项感知感知批评量度(PCM)的评分提供了有用的治疗计划信息。尚未解决的一个问题是,PCM上的高评分是否反映了患者的“严重性偏见”,还是对亲戚表示多少批评的准确反映。 PCM等级与观察者的报告有关,即亲戚在与患者互动中的重要性如何。因此,排他性治疗专注于PCM评分,因为归因偏差会疏远患者,患者可能会准确地了解亲属的行为。如果临床医生选择家庭/婚姻方式,则交流培训会促进患者与配偶或父母之间就引发愤怒的脆弱情感进行对话,这可能会导致患者对批判性评论含义的理解发生变化。未来的研究应调查PC评分是否是家庭心理教育干预措施或强调注意偏见修正的个体治疗有效性的调节剂。



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