首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurosurgery. >A novel endovascular clip system for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms: technology, concept, and initial experimental results. Laboratory investigation.

A novel endovascular clip system for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms: technology, concept, and initial experimental results. Laboratory investigation.


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OBJECT: The authors describe a novel device for the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms, the endovascular clip system (eCLIPs). Descriptions of the device and its delivery system as well as the results of flow model tests and the treatment of experimental aneurysms are provided. METHODS: The eCLIPs comprises a flexible hybrid implantable device (an anchor and a covered leaf) and a balloon catheter delivery system, designed to be positioned and activated in the parent vessel in such a way that the covered portion will abut the aneurysm neck. The eCLIPs was subjected to testing in glass, elastomeric, and cadaveric flow models to determine its navigability, orientation, and activation compared with commercially available stents. In a second experiment, 8 carotid artery sidewall aneurysms in swine were treated using eCLIPs. The degree of occlusion was observed on angiography immediately following and 30 days after device activation, and a histological analysis was performed at 30 days. RESULTS: The device could navigate tortuous glass models and human cadaveric vessels. Compared with commercially available stents, the eCLIPs performed well. It could be navigated, oriented, and activated easily and reliably. With regard to the 8 porcine experimental aneurysms, immediate postactivation angiograms confirmed complete occlusion of 4 lesions and near occlusion of the other 4. Angiographic follow-up at 30 days postactivation showed occlusion of all 8 aneurysms and patency of all parent vessels. Histopathological analysis revealed aneurysm healing, with smooth-muscle cells growing across the lesion neck to allow reendothelialization. CONCLUSIONS: Aneurysm occlusion with a single extrasaccular endovascular device has potential advantages. The authors believe that eCLIPs may prove to be a useful tool in the endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms. The system should reduce risks associated with coiling, procedure time, costs, and radiation exposure. The device satisfactorily occluded 8 experimental sidewall aneurysms. The observed healing pattern is similar to that seen after microsurgical clipping.



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