首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurosurgery. >A case of secondary somatosensory epilepsy with a left deep parietal opercular lesion: successful tumor resection using a transsubcentral gyral approach during awake surgery

A case of secondary somatosensory epilepsy with a left deep parietal opercular lesion: successful tumor resection using a transsubcentral gyral approach during awake surgery


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Few studies have examined the clinical characteristics of patients with lesions in the deep parietal operculum facing the sylvian fissure, the region recognized as the secondary somatosensory area (SII). Moreover, surgical approaches in this region are challenging. In this paper the authors report on a patient presenting with SII epilepsy with a tumor in the left deep parietal operculum. The patient was a 24-year-old man who suffered daily partial seizures with extremely uncomfortable dysesthesia and/or occasional pain on his right side. MRI revealed a tumor in the medial aspect of the anterior transverse parietal gyrus, surrounding the posterior insular point. Long-term video electroencephalography monitoring with scalp electrodes failed to show relevant changes to seizures. Resection with cortical and subcortical mapping under awake conditions was performed. A negative response to stimulation was observed at the subcentral gyrus during language and somatosensory tasks; thus, the transcortical approach (specifically, a transsubcentral gyral approach) was used through this region. Subcortical stimulation at the medial aspect of the anterior parietal gyrus and the posterior insula around the posterior insular point elicited strong dysesthesia and pain in his right side, similar to manifestation of his seizure. The tumor was completely removed and pathologically diagnosed as pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. His epilepsy disappeared without neurological deterioration postoperatively. In this case study, 3 points are clinically significant. First, the clinical manifestation of this case was quite rare, although still representative of SII epilepsy. Second, the location of the lesion made surgical removal challenging, and the transsubcentral gyral approach was useful when intraoperative mapping was performed during awake surgery. Third, intraoperative mapping demonstrated that the patient experienced pain with electrical stimulation around the posterior insular point. Thus, this report demonstrated the safe and effective use of the transsubcentral gyral approach during awake surgery to resect deep parietal opercular lesions, clarified electrophysiological characteristics in the SII area, and achieved successful tumor resection with good control of epilepsy.
机译:很少有研究检查在面对顶裂的深顶囊中有病变的患者的临床特征,该区域被认为是次要的体感区(SII)。此外,该区域的手术方法具有挑战性。在本文中,作者报告了一名患有SII癫痫病的患者,该患者的左顶顶囊中有肿瘤。该患者是一名24岁的男性,每天遭受部分癫痫发作,感觉异常异常不适,并且/或者右侧偶尔感到疼痛。 MRI显示位于前岛顶横突内侧的肿瘤,围绕后岛突点。头皮电极的长期视频脑电图监测未显示癫痫发作的相关变化。在清醒条件下进行皮层和皮层下标本切除。在进行语言和体感任务时,在中央下回观察到对刺激的负面反应。因此,在该区域使用了经皮皮质入路(特别是跨中央下回神经入路)。在顶顶前回内侧和后岛小岛周围的后岛鞘内皮层下刺激引起右侧强烈的感觉异常和疼痛,类似于癫痫发作的表现。肿瘤被完全切除并在病理上诊断为多形性黄体星形细胞瘤。术后癫痫消失,无神经系统恶化。在此案例研究中,有3分具有临床意义。首先,该病例的临床表现非常罕见,尽管仍是SII癫痫的代表。其次,病变的位置使手术切除变得困难,在清醒手术中进行术中标测时,经中央下回途径是有用的。第三,术中标测表明患者在后岛突点周围受到电刺激而出现疼痛。因此,本报告证明了在清醒手术期间安全,有效地使用经中央下回路切除深部顶叶病变,明确了SII区的电生理特征,并成功地切除了肿瘤并控制了癫痫病。



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