首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurosurgery. >Technical nuances of temporal muscle dissection and reconstruction for the pterional keyhole craniotomy

Technical nuances of temporal muscle dissection and reconstruction for the pterional keyhole craniotomy


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The supraorbital keyhole approach offers a limited access for aneurysms located at the middle cerebral artery (MCA) bifurcation with long M_1 segments or proximal M_2 aneurysms. Alternative minimally invasive routes centered on the pterion have been developed to address these aneurysms. Appropriate dissection and reconstruction of the temporal muscle are important for optimal exposure and best cosmetic results with the pterional keyhole craniotomy. The authors describe the technical nuances of temporal muscle dissection and reconstruction adapted to the pterional keyhole craniotomy.After incising the scalp in a curvilinear fashion behind the hairline, an interfascial dissection is performed, allowing anterior reflection of the superficial temporal fat pat and superficial temporal fascia. The temporal muscle is incised 7-10 mm below its insertion at the superior temporal line. The deep temporal fascia and temporal muscle are incised vertically, completing a T-shaped incision. Subperiosteal dissection of both muscle flaps preserves the deep temporal arteries and nerves. A craniotomy measuring 2.5-3 cm in diameter, based anteriorly at the pterion, is made over the sylvian fissure. Dissection of the sylvian fissure and of MCA aneurysms can proceed without the use of retractors. The bone flap and associated hardware is entirely covered by the temporal muscle, which is reconstructed in 2 layers: the temporal muscle/deep temporal fascia and the superficial temporal fascia.This dissection technique prevents damage to branches of the facial nerve and minimizes temporal muscle damage. Dividing the temporal muscle vertically and reflecting both parts anteriorly and posteriorly prevents suboptimal illumination and visualization under the microscope. Covering the bone flap and related hardware with a multilayer anatomical reconstruction optimizes cosmetic results.
机译:眶上锁孔入路为位于大脑中动脉(MCA)分叉处且长M_1段或近端M_2动脉瘤的动脉瘤提供了有限的通道。已经开发出以翼状center为中心的替代性微创途径来解决这些动脉瘤。适当的解剖和颞肌的重建对于使用翼状key孔开颅术的最佳暴露和最佳美容效果很重要。作者描述了适合于肋骨小孔开颅手术的颞肌解剖和重建的技术细微差别,在发际线后以曲线方式切开头皮后,进行了筋膜剥离,从而可以对颞浅脂肪区和颞颞筋膜进行前向反射。颞肌在其在颞上线上的插入下方切开7-10毫米。垂直切开深颞筋膜和颞肌,完成T形切口。两条皮瓣的骨膜下夹层保留了深部的颞动脉和神经。在前侧的睑裂上开出直径为2.5-3 cm的颅骨切开术。无需使用牵开器就可进行希尔夫裂和MCA动脉瘤的解剖。骨瓣和相关硬件完全被颞肌覆盖,该颞肌被分为两层:颞肌/深部颞筋膜和浅表颞筋膜,这种解剖技术可防止对面神经分支的损伤并最大程度地减少颞肌损伤。垂直分割颞肌并在前后反射两个部分,以防止在显微镜下无法达到最佳照明和可视化效果。用多层解剖结构覆盖骨瓣和相关硬件可优化美容效果。



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