首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Northeast Agricultural University >Selection Effects of Soil Fertility on the Progenies of Soybean Crosses

Selection Effects of Soil Fertility on the Progenies of Soybean Crosses


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The F_2, F_3, families and Felines of six soybean crosses, were selected successively under high-and low-fertility sites with the relection objective of high yield and the method of pedigree was used. Two best F_4—derived lines were chosen from eachof the six crosses under both high-and low-fertility for use in this study. In 1995, the total 24 lines were tested in high, medium and low fertility sites with the same experimental design (CRB) to study the selectoin effects of high and low—fertility.The results suggested that high— and low-fertility had different selection effects. High fertility was more effective for selecting lines, which had higher yield under high—fertility and lower yield under low—fertility; low—fertility was better forselecting lines, which had higher yield under low-fertility and lower yield under low—fertility, and high fertility was somewhat better than low fertility for selecting lines, which had higher yield under both high and low-fertility. It revealed that the lines selected from high-fertility had superior yield potential. The lines selected from high—fertility had shorter plant height, more nodes on main stem, fewer branches, higher seed-stem ratio. The reverse was true for the lines selected from low—fertility. The lodging-resistance of the lines selected from highfertility was greater than that of the lines from low-fertility. The soil fertility level of breeding nursery should be chosen according to the breeding objective.
机译:在高肥力和低肥力条件下,依次选择了6个大豆杂交种的F_2,F_3,科和猫科动物,以提高产量为目标,并采用系谱方法。从高生育率和低生育率的六个杂交中各选出两个最佳的F_4衍生系,用于本研究。 1995年,采用相同的实验设计(CRB)在高,中,低生育力地区共测试了24条品系,以研究高生育力和低生育力的选择效应。结果表明,高生育力和低生育力的选择不同效果。高肥力对品系的选择更为有效,在高肥力下产量较高,而在低肥力下产量较低。选择低品系的低生育力更好,在低肥力下具有较高的产量,在低肥力下具有较低的产量,而高低肥力的选择系在低和高生育率下均具有较高的产量。这表明从高肥力中选择的品系具有更高的产量潜力。从高肥力中选择的品系具有较短的株高,主茎上的更多节,较少的分支,较高的茎干比。从低生育率选出的品系则相反。从高肥力中选出的品系的抗倒伏性大于从低肥力中选出的品系的抗倒伏。应根据育种目的选择育苗场的土壤肥力水平。



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