首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nuclear agriculture and biology >Studies on the mineralization of organic-P vis-a-vis enumeration of P-solubilizing bacteria in varying organic-C status soils.

Studies on the mineralization of organic-P vis-a-vis enumeration of P-solubilizing bacteria in varying organic-C status soils.


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The mineralization of organic phosphorus, including the enumeration of phosphate dissolving bacteria, was studied in soils at different water contents i.e. field capacity (M1) and saturated conditions (M2), and at different levels of energy availability 1 or 2% glucose. The soils that were used differed in levels of organic carbon. Greatest rates of organic phosphorus mineralization occurred in Sandynallah (S1) and Coonor (S2) soils in comparison with Aduthurai (S3) and Bhavanisagar (S4) soils. Thesoils initially rich in organic-C showed higher mineralization rate under saturated condition where carrier-free 32P was involved. Similarly, energy level maintained at 2% showed significant effect on the release of organic-P in Sandynallah (S1) and Coonor (S2) soils in presence of carrier-free 32P. P-solubilizing bacterial population showed increasing trend with increasing days of incubation. Highest population build up was observed in Sandynallah soil and the effect of moisture under saturated condition as well as energy level imposed at 2% also indicated the influence of such factors towards mineralization process of organic-P.



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