首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Nematology, with Annual of Applied Nematology >Comparison of Meldola's Blue Staining and Hatching Assay with Potato Root Diffusate for Assessment of Globodera sp Egg Viability

Comparison of Meldola's Blue Staining and Hatching Assay with Potato Root Diffusate for Assessment of Globodera sp Egg Viability


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Laboratory-based methods to test egg viability include staining with Meldola's Blue and/or juvenile (J2) hatching assays using potato root diffusate (PRD). These two methods have not been tested under identical conditions to directly compare their assessments of Globodera egg viability. Using two bioassay strategies, cysts from a Glabodera sp. population found in Oregon were subjected to both viability assessment methods. In strategy one, intact cysts were first stained with Meldola's Blue (primary staining) and eggs were then transferred to PRD (secondary hatching). In the second strategy, intact cysts were exposed to PRD (primary hatching) and then unhatched eggs were transferred to Meldola's Blue (secondary staining). Two different cohorts of cysts were evaluated using these experimental strategies: cohort I was comprised Of cysts produced on potato in the greenhouse that exhibited low hatch when exposed to PRD and cohort 2 consisted of field-collected cysts whose eggs yielded significant hatch when exposed to PRD Percentage viability was calculated and is expressed as the number of hatched J2 or unstained eggs/total number of eggs within a cyst. With field-produced cysts, primary staining with Meldola's Blue and hatching with PRD produced similar viability estimates, with averages of 74.9% and 76.3%, respectively. In contrast, with greenhouse-produced cysts the two methods yielded much lower and unequal estimates 32.4% to 2.2%, respectively for primary hatching and staining methods. In addition, J2 hatch from Unstained (viable) greenhouse-produced eggs was 13.7% after secondary exposure to PRD compared to 61.5% for field-produced eggs. The majority of eggs remaining unhatched after primary exposure to PRD (> 87%) stained with Meldola's Blue regardless of cyst cohort. Staining with Meldola's Blue provided a conservative assessment of egg viability compared to hatch assay with PRD regardless of diapause.
机译:基于实验室的方法来测试卵的生存能力,包括使用马铃薯根扩散剂(PRD)用Meldola氏蓝和/或幼体(J2)孵化试验进行染色。尚未在相同条件下测试这两种方法以直接比较其对Globodera卵生存力的评估。使用两种生物测定策略,从Glabodera sp。获得囊肿。在俄勒冈州发现的人均接受了两种生存能力评估方法。在策略一中,将完整的囊肿首先用Meldola氏蓝染色(初步染色),然后将卵转移至PRD(二次孵化)。在第二种策略中,将完整的囊肿暴露于PRD(初次孵化),然后将未孵化的卵转移至Meldola's Blue(二次染色)。使用这些实验策略对两个不同的囊肿队列进行了评估:第一个队列由温室中马铃薯上产生的,在暴露于PRD时孵化率低的囊肿组成,而第2组由田间采集的囊肿组成,当它们暴露在PRD时其卵产生明显的孵化率计算存活率百分比,并表示为孵出的J2卵数或未染色的卵数/囊内卵的总数。对于现场产生的囊肿,用Meldola's Blue进行初次染色和用PRD进行孵化可得出相似的生存力估计值,平均分别为74.9%和76.3%。相反,对于温室生产的囊肿,这两种方法的初级孵化和染色方法所产生的估计值分别低得多和不相等,分别为32.4%至2.2%。此外,在二次暴露于PRD后,未染色(可行)温室生产的鸡蛋的J2孵化率为13.7%,而田间生产的鸡蛋为21.5%。初次暴露于PRD后,大多数卵未孵化(> 87%),不论囊肿队列如何,均被Meldola's Blue染色。与使用PRD进行孵化测定相比,无论是否滞育,用Meldola's Blue染色均能保守地评估卵的生存能力。



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