首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuroendocrinology >Oestrogen-Independent Circadian Clock Gene Expression in the Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus in Female Rats: Possible Role as an Integrator for Circadian and Ovarian Signals Timing the Luteinising Hormone Surge

Oestrogen-Independent Circadian Clock Gene Expression in the Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus in Female Rats: Possible Role as an Integrator for Circadian and Ovarian Signals Timing the Luteinising Hormone Surge


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Periodic ovulation in rats, mice and hamsters is the result of a surge in luteinising hormone (LH) that depends on circadian gating signals emerging from the master circadian clock within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and rising ovarian oestrogen levels. These two signals converge into the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) and lead to the release of kisspeptin, which is responsible for surges of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and, in turn, of LH release. How the AVPV integrates circadian and reproductive signals remains unclear. In the present study, we show that the female rat AVPV itself shows circadian oscillations in the expression of the clock genes PER1 and BMAL1, which lie at the core circadian clockwork of mammals. In ovariectomised females treated with oestradiol (E2), these oscillations are in synchrony with the AVPV rhythmic expression of the KISS1 gene and the gene that codes for the arginine-vasopressin (AVP) receptor AVPr1a. Although clock gene oscillations are independent of oestrogen levels, circadian expression of Kiss1 and Avpr1a (also referred to as V1a) mRNA is blunted and absent, respectively, in ovariectomised animals without E2 replacement. Because AVP is considered to be a critical SCN transmitter to gate the LH surge, our data suggest that there is a circadian oscillator located in the AVPV, and that such a putative oscillator could, in an oestrogen-dependent manner, time the sensitivity to circadian signals emerging from the SCN and the release of kisspeptin.
机译:大鼠,小鼠和仓鼠的定期排卵是黄体生成激素(LH)激增的结果,而黄体生成激素(LH)取决于视交叉上核(SCN)内的主生物钟产生的生物钟门控信号和卵巢雌激素水平的升高。这两个信号汇聚到前房室周围核(AVPV)中,并导致kisspeptin释放,这导致促性腺激素释放激素激增,进而导致LH释放。 AVPV如何整合昼夜节律和生殖信号仍不清楚。在本研究中,我们表明雌性大鼠AVPV本身在时钟基因PER1和BMAL1的表达中显示了昼夜节律振荡,这是哺乳动物昼夜节律的核心。在接受雌二醇(E2)治疗的卵巢切除雌性动物中,这些振荡与KISS1基因的AVPV节律性表达以及编码精氨酸-血管加压素(AVP)受体AVPr1a的基因同步。尽管时钟基因振荡与雌激素水平无关,但在没有E2替代的卵巢切除动物中,Kiss1和Avpr1a(也称为V1a)mRNA的昼夜节律表达变钝和缺失。由于AVP被认为是控制LH浪涌的关键SCN发射器,因此我们的数据表明,AVPV中存在一个昼夜节律振荡器,并且这种假定的振荡器可以以雌激素依赖性方式计时对昼夜节律的敏感性信号从SCN出现并释放基索肽。



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