首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Purification and structure of neurostatin, an inhibitor of astrocyte division of mammalian brain.

Purification and structure of neurostatin, an inhibitor of astrocyte division of mammalian brain.


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Neurostatin was originally described as an inhibitor of astroblast and astrocytoma division present in rat brain extracts and immunologically related to the sugar moiety of epidermal growth factor receptor and to blood group antigens. It was purified recently from mammalian brain extracts and characterized as a glycosphingolipid, but its precise structure remained unknown. Neurostatin has now been purified to apparent homogeneity from ganglioside extracts of rat, bovine, and porcine brain. It is cytostatic for astroblasts, C6 glioma cells, and various human astrocytomas grades III and IV, with IC(50) values ranging from 250 to 450 nM, but does not affect the division of primary or transformed fibroblasts up to concentrations >4 &mgr;M. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of purified pig neurostatin showed a molecular ion of 1, 905 Da and ions of 1,863 and 1,934 Da, compatible with a disialoganglioside. Mono- and bidimensional NMR spectra, together with biochemical studies, suggest that neurostatin may be the 9-O-monoacetyl ester of GD1b.
机译:Neurostatin最初被描述为大鼠脑提取物中存在的星形细胞和星形细胞瘤分裂抑制剂,并且与表皮生长因子受体的糖部分和血型抗原在免疫学上相关。它是最近从哺乳动物脑提取物中纯化得到的,并被表征为糖鞘脂,但其确切结构仍然未知。神经抑素现已从大鼠,牛和猪脑的神经节苷脂提取物中纯化至表观同质。它对星形母细胞,C6胶质瘤细胞以及各种人类星形细胞瘤III和IV级具有抑制细胞生长作用,IC(50)值范围从250至450 nM,但不影响原代或转化的成纤维细胞的分裂,直至浓度> 4&mgr; M.纯化的猪神经抑素的基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱显示分子离子为1,905 Da,离子为1,863和1,934 Da,与去唾液神经节苷脂相容。一维和二维NMR光谱以及生化研究表明,神经抑素可能是GD1b的9-O-单乙酰基酯。



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