首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Effect of acute fluoxetine treatment on the brain serotonin synthesis as measured by the alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan autoradiographic method.

Effect of acute fluoxetine treatment on the brain serotonin synthesis as measured by the alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan autoradiographic method.


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The effect of treatment with acute fluoxetine, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, on the rate of serotonin synthesis in the rat brain was studied through autoradiography following intravenous administration of alpha-methyl-L-[3H]tryptophan. The rate of serotonin synthesis in fluoxetine-treated rats was compared with the rate measured in sham-treated rats (saline injection). Results showed a significant increase in the rate of synthesis in the majority of cerebral structures examined. The greatest increase (given as a percentage of rates in control animals) in the rate of serotonin synthesis was observed in the substantia nigra compacta (344%), hippocampus-CA3 (337%), dorsal hippocampus (283%), and caudate-putamen (232%). Fluoxetine had a less significant effect on the rate of synthesis in the pineal body (44%). Data suggest that acute fluoxetine treatment (30 mg/kg, i.p.) enhances the rate of serotonin synthesis in all the structures of rat brain examined in this work.
机译:在静脉内注射α-甲基-L- [3H]色氨酸后,通过放射自显影研究了急性氟西汀(5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂)对大鼠大脑中5-羟色胺合成速率的影响。将氟西汀治疗的大鼠中5-羟色胺的合成速率与假手术治疗的大鼠(盐水注射)中测得的速率进行比较。结果显示,在检查的大多数大脑结构中,合成速率均显着提高。在黑质致密部(344%),海马CA3(337%),海马背侧(283%)和尾状肌中,血清素合成速率的最大增加(以对照组动物的百分比表示)壳核(232%)。氟西汀对松果体中的合成速率影响较小(44%)。数据表明,在这项工作中研究的急性氟西汀治疗(30 mg / kg,腹膜内)提高了大鼠大脑所有结构中5-羟色胺合成的速率。



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