首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Anchoring TRP to the INAD macromolecular complex requires the last 14 residues in its carboxyl terminus.

Anchoring TRP to the INAD macromolecular complex requires the last 14 residues in its carboxyl terminus.


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Drosophila transient-receptor-potential (TRP) is a Ca2+ channel responsible for the light-dependent depolarization of photoreceptors. TRP is anchored to a macromolecular complex by tethering to inactivation-no-afterpotential D (INAD). We previously reported that INAD associated with the carboxyl tail of TRP via its third post-synaptic density protein 95, discs-large, zonular occludens-1 domain. In this paper, we further explored the molecular basis of the INAD interaction and demonstrated the requirement of the last 14 residues of TRP, with the critical contribution of Gly1262, Val1266, Trp1274, and Leu1275. We also revealed by pull-down assays that the last 14 residues of TRP comprised the minimal sequence that competes with the endogenous TRP from fly extracts, leading to the co-purification of a partial INAD complex containing INAD, no-receptor-potential A, and eye-protein kinase C (PKC). Eye-PKC is critical for the negative regulation of the visual signaling and was shown to phosphorylate TRP in vivo. To uncover the substrates of eye-PKC in the INAD complex, we designed a complex-dependent eye-PKC assay, which utilized endogenous INAD complexes isolated from flies. We demonstrate that activated eye-PKC phosphorylates INAD, TRP but not no-receptor-potential A. Moreover, phosphorylation of TRP is dependent on the presence of both eye-PKC and INAD. Together, these findings indicate that stable kinase-containing protein complexes may be isolated by pull-down assays, and used in this modified kinase assay to investigate phosphorylation of the proteins in the complex. We conclude that TRP associates with INAD via its last 14 residues to facilitate its regulation by eye-PKC that fine-tunes the visual signaling.
机译:果蝇瞬态受体电位(TRP)是一个Ca2 +通道,负责光依赖的光感受器去极化。 TRP通过束缚至无失活电位的D(INAD)锚定至大分子复合物。我们先前曾报道过INAD通过其第三突触后密度蛋白95(盘状大,小带闭塞1域)与TRP的羧基尾相关。在本文中,我们进一步探索了INAD相互作用的分子基础,并证明了TRP的最后14个残基的需求,其中Gly1262,Val1266,Trp1274和Leu1275发挥了关键作用。我们还通过下拉测定法揭示了TRP的最后14个残基包含与蝇提取物中的内源TRP竞争的最小序列,从而共纯化包含INAD(无受体电位A)的部分INAD复合物,和眼蛋白激酶C(PKC)。 Eye-PKC对于视觉信号的负调节至关重要,并已显示其在体内磷酸化TRP。为了揭示INAD复合物中眼睛PKC的底物,我们设计了依赖于复合物的眼睛PKC分析,该方法利用了从果蝇中分离的内源性INAD复合物。我们证明激活的眼睛PKC磷酸化INAD,TRP,但没有无受体电位A。此外,TRP的磷酸化取决于眼睛PKC和INAD的存在。在一起,这些发现表明可以通过下拉测定法分离出稳定的含激酶的蛋白质复合物,并将其用于该修饰的激酶测定中以研究复合物中蛋白质的磷酸化。我们得出的结论是,TRP通过其最后的14个残基与INAD缔合,以促进其通过微调视觉信号的眼睛PKC进行调节。



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