首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >P2X7 and P2Y13 purinergic receptors mediate intracellular calcium responses to BzATP in rat cerebellar astrocytes.

P2X7 and P2Y13 purinergic receptors mediate intracellular calcium responses to BzATP in rat cerebellar astrocytes.


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Previous work has established the presence of functional P2X(7) subunits in rat cerebellar astrocytes, which after stimulation with 3'-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl ATP (BzATP) evoked morphological changes that were not reproduced by any other nucleotide. To further characterize the receptor(s) and signaling mechanisms involved in the action of BzATP, we have employed fura-2 microfluorometry and the patch-clamp technique. BzATP elicited intracellular calcium responses that typically exhibited two components: the first one was transient and metabotropic in nature--sensitive to phospholipase C inhibition and pertussis toxin treatment, whereas the second one was sustained and depended on the presence of extracellular calcium. The ionotropic nature of this latter component was corroborated by measurements of Mn(2+) entry and macroscopic non-selective cation currents evoked by either BzATP (100 muM) or ATP (1 mM). The two components of the calcium response to BzATP differed in their pharmacological sensitivity. The metabotropic component was partially sensitive to pyridoxalphosphate-5'-phosphate-6-azo-(-2-chloro-5-nitrophenyl)-2,4-disulfonate, a selective antagonist of P2Y(13) receptors, while the ionotropic component was modulated by external magnesium and markedly reduced by brilliant blue G and 3-(5-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1H-tetrazol-1-yl)methyl pyridine (A438079), thus implying the involvement of P2X(7) purinergic receptors. It is concluded that P2Y(13) and P2X(7) purinergic receptors are functionally expressed in rat cerebellar astrocytes and mediate the increase in intracellular calcium elicited by BzATP in these cells.
机译:先前的工作已在大鼠小脑星形胶质细胞中建立了功能性P2X(7)亚基的存在,在用3'-O-(4-苯甲酰基)苯甲酰ATP(BzATP)刺激后,它诱发了形态变化,而其他任何核苷酸均未复制这种形态变化。为了进一步表征参与BzATP作用的受体和信号传导机制,我们采用了fura-2微量荧光测定法和膜片钳技术。 BzATP引起的细胞内钙反应通常表现为两个成分:第一个是瞬时的和代谢型的-对磷脂酶C抑制和百日咳毒素治疗敏感,而第二个则持续存在并取决于细胞外钙的存在。通过测量Mn(2+)的进入和BzATP(100μM)或ATP(1 mM)引起的宏观非选择性阳离子电流,证实了后一种组分的离子性质。钙对BzATP反应的两个成分在药理敏感性上有所不同。促代谢成分对P2Y(13)受体的选择性拮抗剂吡pyr醛磷酸5'-磷酸-6-偶氮-(-2-氯-5-硝基苯基)-2,4-二磺酸盐部分敏感,而离液成分为由外部镁调节,并由亮蓝G和3-(5-(2,3-二氯苯基)-1H-四唑-1-基)甲基吡啶(A438079)显着减少,因此暗示P2X(7)嘌呤能受体的参与。结论是P2Y(13)和P2X(7)嘌呤能受体在大鼠小脑星形胶质细胞中功能性表达,并介导BzATP在这些细胞中引起的细胞内钙增加。



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