首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Ascorbate and glutamate release in the rat hippocampus after perforant path stimulation: a 'dialysis electrode' study.

Ascorbate and glutamate release in the rat hippocampus after perforant path stimulation: a 'dialysis electrode' study.


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Excitatory amino acids have been proposed to play a critical role in the development and maintenance of epileptic seizures and in the development of neuronal damage. Previous animal studies of glutamate during seizures, however, have often failed to measure any rise in glutamate. We have overcome many of the problems of these studies by using an animal model in which epileptic afterdischarges are induced by stimulation of the perforant path, and glutamate and ascorbate are measured using a newly developed microdialysis electrode that combines the advantages of microdialysis and in vivo electrochemistry. We have successfully shown (1) a rise in glutamate after an epileptic afterdischarge, (2) a concomitant initial fall and then a later rise in ascorbate, and (3) progressive dwindling of this effect when afterdischarges are repeated within minutes, despite similar electroencephalographic responses. The possible mechanisms of these effects are discussed and include ascorbate/glutamate heteroexchange, reversal of the glutamate uptake mechanism, and augmentation of glutamate uptake after a seizure.
机译:已经提出了兴奋性氨基酸在癫痫发作的发展和维持以及神经元损伤的发展中起关键作用。然而,先前在癫痫发作期间对谷氨酸进行的动物研究通常无法测量谷氨酸的任何升高。我们通过使用动物模型克服了这些研究的许多问题,在动物模型中,通过刺激穿孔路径诱发了癫痫后放电,并使用新开发的微透析电极(结合了微透析和体内电化学的优势)来测量谷氨酸和抗坏血酸。 。我们已经成功地显示出:(1)癫痫后放电后谷氨酸升高,(2)伴随最初的下降,随后抗坏血酸升高,(3)尽管在几分钟后重复放电,但尽管脑电图相似,但这种作用逐渐减弱回应。讨论了这些作用的可能机制,包括抗坏血酸/谷氨酸异交换,谷氨酸吸收机制的逆转和癫痫发作后谷氨酸吸收的增加。



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