首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >Laparoscopic instrument insulation failure: the hidden hazard.

Laparoscopic instrument insulation failure: the hidden hazard.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of insulation failure in gynecologic laparoscopic instruments and to assess the impact of routine static insulation failure testing DESIGN: Cross-sectional study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2). SETTING: Public tertiary teaching hospitals. INTERVENTION: Routine static insulation failure testing MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Dichotomous assessment of instrument insulation failure. Characterization of insulation defects. One hundred eleven instruments were tested. The overall prevalence of insulation failure was 27% with a rate of 39% in dedicated monopolar instruments. The sensitivity of visual inspection to predict a damaged instrument was 10%. Even when the site of the failure was identified, the defect was detectable only in 35% of instruments without magnification. The mean site of insulation failure was at 71 mm from the tip of the instrument, placing most insulation defects within the abdominopelvic cavity during surgery. After the introduction of routine static electrosurgical instrument testing, the overall prevalence of insulation failure dropped to 5.9%. CONCLUSION: There is an unacceptably high prevalence of instrument insulation failure in gynecologic laparoscopic instruments. Visual inspection is not an appropriate screening mechanism for insulation failure but routine biomedical testing reduces the prevalence of defective laparoscopic instruments.
机译:研究目的:确定妇科腹腔镜仪器中绝缘失效的发生率,并评估常规静态绝缘失效测试的影响设计:横断面研究(加拿大专责小组II-2级)。地点:公立第三级教学医院。干预:例行静态绝缘故障测试测量和主要结果:对仪器绝缘故障进行二分评估。绝缘缺陷的表征。测试了一百一十一种仪器。在专用单极仪器中,绝缘故障的总患病率为27%,比率为39%。目视检查预测仪器损坏的敏感性为10%。即使确定了故障部位,也只能在35%的仪器中检测出缺陷,而无需放大。绝缘故障的平均位置在距器械尖端71 mm处,从而在手术过程中将大部分绝缘缺陷置于腹盆腔内。在引入常规的静电电外科仪器测试之后,绝缘故障的总体患病率降至5.9%。结论:妇科腹腔镜器械中器械绝缘故障的发生率高得令人难以接受。目视检查不是绝缘失效的适当筛查机制,但常规的生物医学测试可降低有缺陷的腹腔镜器械的患病率。



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