
Expression and evolution of the mammalian brain gene Ttyh1.


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Homologues of the Drosophila melanogaster tweety (tty) gene are present in mammals and Caenorhabditis elegans. The encoded proteins have five predicted membrane-spanning regions and recent findings suggest that some family members may be chloride channels. Phylogenetic analysis of the tty family including novel members from slime mould Entamoeba and plants has revealed the occurrence of independent gene duplication events in different lineages. expressed sequence tag data indicate that expression of the mammalian Ttyh1 gene is restricted mainly to neural tissue and is up-regulated in astrocytoma, glioma and several other cancers. In this study, mammalian expression vectors were used to investigate the subcellular localization and the effect of over-expression of Ttyh1 in human epithelial kidney cells. The results confirm that Ttyh1 is a membrane protein and show that it is deposited on the substratum along the migration paths of motile cells above the alpha5beta1-integrin complex. The ectopic expression of Ttyh1 also induced long filopodia, which were branched and dynamic in both stationary and migratory cells. The filopodia contained F-actin and occurred at the ends of microtubules which were polarized towards the membrane. Upon contact with nearby cells some filopodia stabilized and filled with F-actin, whereas Ttyh1 was highly concentrated at the cell-cell interface. Ttyh1 N- and C-terminal antipeptide antibodies detected Ttyh1 along the axons of neurones in primary rat hippocampal cell cultures, and in situ in whole rat brain slices around the hippocampus and occasionally between cells. These data suggest a role for Ttyh1 in process formation, cell adhesion and possibly as a transmembrane receptor.
机译:果蝇线虫(tty)基因的同源分子存在于哺乳动物和秀丽隐杆线虫中。编码的蛋白质具有五个预测的跨膜区域,最近的发现表明某些家族成员可能是氯离子通道。对tty家族的系统发育分析,包括来自粘液霉菌Entamoeba和植物的新成员,揭示了在不同谱系中发生独立的基因复制事件。表达的序列标签数据表明,哺乳动物Ttyh1基因的表达主要限于神经组织,并且在星形细胞瘤,神经胶质瘤和其他几种癌症中表达上调。在这项研究中,使用哺乳动物表达载体来研究Ttyh1在人上皮肾细胞中的亚细胞定位和过度表达的影响。结果证实Ttyh1是一种膜蛋白,并表明它沿着α5β1-整合素复合物上方运动细胞的迁移路径沉积在基质上。 Ttyh1的异位表达还诱导了长丝状伪足,它在静止细胞和迁移细胞中均是分支和动态的。丝状伪足含有F-肌动蛋白,并发生在朝着膜极化的微管末端。与附近的细胞接触后,一些丝状伪足稳定并充满了F-肌动蛋白,而Ttyh1则高度集中在细胞-细胞界面。 Ttyh1 N和C端抗肽抗体在原代大鼠海马细胞培养物中以及沿海马周围以及整个细胞之间的整个大鼠脑切片中原位检测神经元轴突附近的Ttyh1。这些数据表明Ttyh1在过程形成,细胞粘附以及可能作为跨膜受体中起作用。



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