首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >Long-term outcome after laparoscopic treatment of heterotopic pregnancy: 19 cases.

Long-term outcome after laparoscopic treatment of heterotopic pregnancy: 19 cases.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the long-term outcome of intrauterine pregnancies after treatment of heterotopic pregnancies. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study (Canadian Task Force classification II-3). SETTING: Tertiary center university hospital. PATIENTS: All women who underwent surgery because of heterotopic pregnancy over 12 years. INTERVENTION: Laparoscopic surgery. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Infant development and future pregnancy. Extrauterine pregnancies were located in the tube (n = 13), uterine cornua (n = 3), ovary (n = 1), and tubal stump (n = 2). During laparoscopy, a ruptured tube was found in 6 tubal pregnancies (46%), blood transfusion was needed in 7 heterotopic pregnancies (37%), and salpingectomy was performed in 12 women with tubal pregnancies (91.7%). The pregnancy outcome consisted of 13 babies (term and preterm) taken home and 5 miscarriages. Long-term follow up demonstrated that 10 of 13 infants (76.9%) exhibited normal development. Three infants, all from 1 triplet pregnancy, exhibited borderline to normal development. Ten of 15 women achieved additional pregnancies, with 10 deliveries and only 1 extrauterine pregnancy in the tubal stump. CONCLUSIONS: Women with a heterotopic pregnancy are at high risk for late diagnosis and at risk for hypovolemic shock at diagnosis, and may require blood transfusion. The outcome of intrauterine pregnancy in association with heterotopic pregnancy requiring surgical intervention is good, and most complications were associated with multifetal pregnancy and preterm delivery.
机译:研究目的:确定异位妊娠治疗后宫内妊娠的长期结果。设计:回顾性队列研究(加拿大工作组分类II-3)。地点:大学中心第三医院。患者:所有因异位妊娠在12年以上接受过手术的妇女。干预:腹腔镜手术。测量和主要结果:婴儿发育和未来怀孕。宫外孕位于试管(n = 13),子宫角膜(n = 3),卵巢(n = 1)和输卵管残端(n = 2)中。腹腔镜检查期间,在6例输卵管妊娠中发现管破裂(46%),在7例异位妊娠中需要输血,对12例输卵管妊娠的妇女行输卵管切除术(91.7%)。妊娠结局包括13名婴儿(足月和早产)被带回家和5例流产。长期随访表明,13名婴儿中有10名(76.9%)表现出正常发育。三胎婴儿均来自一次三胞胎妊娠,表现出正常发育的临界状态。 15例妇女中有10例再次妊娠,分娩10例,输卵管残端仅有1例宫外孕。结论:异位妊娠的妇女在诊断后期有较高的风险,诊断时有低血容量性休克的风险,可能需要输血。宫内妊娠与需要手术干预的异位妊娠的结局良好,大多数并发症与多胎妊娠和早产有关。



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