首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Natural History: An International Journal of Systematics and General Biology >Lek phenology of the White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus, Aves: Passeriformes: Pipridae) in a subtropical region

Lek phenology of the White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus, Aves: Passeriformes: Pipridae) in a subtropical region

机译:亚热带地区白胡子Manakin(Manacus manacus,Aves:Passeriformes:Pipridae)的韭葱物候

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Descriptions of lek-breeding in White-bearded Manakins (Manacus manacus) first appeared 55 years ago from studies conducted in tropical Trinidad. No published studies on lek activity, however, exist from subtropical areas of the Neotropics. Herein, annual lek phenology of M. manacus in a subtropical region was analysed and compared with studies conducted in Trinidad. Day-long observations were conducted in nine male territories from three leks. Permanence of lekking males in their territories was positively correlated with day length. When males are more active in the subtropical region, males from Trinidad are less active and vice versa. Additional new information about this manakin's lek activity was disclosed: residents stayed in their courts for up to 7% of the day length, the frequency and duration of display bouts of residents varied throughout the year whereas those of juveniles did not, and females made more visits to courts of residents who displayed for longer bouts.
机译:55年前在特立尼达热带地区进行的研究首次出现了白胡子Manakins(Manacus manacus)韭菜育种的描述。但是,新热带地区的亚热带地区尚无关于沥水活动的已发表研究。在这里,分析了亚热带地区M. manacus的年度韭菜物候,并将其与在特立尼达进行的研究相比较。在来自三个韭葱的九个男性领土上进行了为期一天的观察。男性在其领土上的迁徙的持久性与日长呈正相关。当雄性在亚热带地区活动更为活跃时,特立尼达的雄性活动较少,反之亦然。有关该manakin的沥水活动的其他新信息也被披露:居民在法庭上停留的时间不超过一天的7%,全年居民展示活动的频率和持续时间各不相同,而青少年则没有,女性则更多拜访那些表现更长的回合的居民的法院。



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