首页> 外文期刊>Journal of natural gas science and engineering >Sequence stratigraphy and its application in marine shale gas exploration: A case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Jiaoshiba shale gas field and its adjacent area in southeast Sichuan Basin, SW China

Sequence stratigraphy and its application in marine shale gas exploration: A case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Jiaoshiba shale gas field and its adjacent area in southeast Sichuan Basin, SW China


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Based on outcrops, cores, well logs data, and mineralogical, geochemical and petrophysical analysis, we studied the sequence stratigraphy of marine shale dominated the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, favorable commercial shale gas interval within the sequence stratigraphic framework. We interpret the Lower Member of the Longmaxi Formation as a third order sequence which is composed of transgressive systems tract (TST), early highstand systems tract (EHST) and late highstand systems tract (LHST). The TST mainly consists of mixed siliceous mudstone and clay-rich siliceous mudstone with high total organic carbon (TOC) content, high content of brittle minerals and the highest gas content which is the most favorable shale gas reservoir interval; the EHST is mainly composed of mixed siliceous mudstone and clay-rich siliceous mudstone in the lower part and mixed argillaceous mudstone in the upper part with well-developed laminaes, moderate TOC content and gas content; finally, the LHST is mainly composed of organic-lean and clay-rich mudstone (e.g. silica-rich argillaceous mudstone and mixed argillaceous mudstone) with the lowest gas content. Sequence stratigraphic framework controls the distribution of TOC, mineralogy in time and space, which further controls the sweet spot areally and pay zone vertically for shale gas accumulation in the southeast Sichuan Basin. The data collected from the commercial shale gas wells confirmed that the sequence stratigraphy is valid for the shale gas exploration and can be applied to the shale gas exploration in the other area. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:基于露头,岩心,测井资料以及矿物学,地球化学和岩石物理分析,我们研究了以下志留纪龙马溪组为主的海相页岩层序地层学,在层序地层学框架内有利的商业页岩气层段。我们将龙马溪组的下段解释为由海侵系统道(TST),早期高水位系统道(EHST)和晚期高水位系统道(LHST)组成的三阶序列。 TST主要由混合硅质泥岩和富含粘土的硅质泥岩组成,总有机碳(TOC)含量高,脆性矿物含量高,气体含量最高,是最有利的页岩气储集层段。 EHST主要由下部的混合硅质泥岩和富含粘土的硅质泥岩组成,上部的混合泥质泥质岩层发育良好,TOC含量和气体含量中等。最后,LHST主要由含气量最低的贫有机质和富粘土泥岩(如富含二氧化硅的泥质泥岩和混合泥质泥岩)组成。层序地层学框架控制了TOC,矿物学在时间和空间上的分布,进而控制了川东南地区页岩气成藏的面积范围和垂向垂直带。从商业页岩气井收集的数据证实,层序地层学对页岩气勘探是有效的,并可用于其他地区的页岩气勘探。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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