首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Helminthology >Larval migration of the ascarid nematode Toxocara canis following infection and re-infection in the gerbil Meriones unguiculatus

Larval migration of the ascarid nematode Toxocara canis following infection and re-infection in the gerbil Meriones unguiculatus

机译:沙鼠线虫Toxocara canis的幼虫迁移在沙土鼠Meriones unguiculatus中感染和再感染后

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A morphological and immunohistochemical study of larval migration patterns was performed in gerbils that were infected once (primary infected group) or twice (secondary infected group) with 1500 eggs of Toxocara canis. Animals from the primary infected and the re-infected group were killed at different times after infection, and larvae were counted in the intestines, liver, lungs and brain. Fragments of all organs were formalin fixed and paraffin embedded for histology and immunohistochemistry analyses (using polyclonal anti-Toxocara serum raised in rabbits infected with T. canis). In the primary infected group, larvae were more abundant in the intestine at 24 h, in the liver and lungs between 24 and 72 h and in the brain after 96 h; larvae predominated in the brain for up to 60 days after infection. In the re-infected group, an increase in the number of larvae in the liver and a reduction in the number of larvae in the brain was observed up to 60 days after re-infection. Inflammatory reactions were absent or limited. Eosinophils and loose granulomata were observed around the larvae and their antigens in the primary infected group and were more severe. Many eosinophils and typical epithelioid granulomata were observed around larvae in the re-infected group. These results demonstrate that the migration pattern of T. canis larvae in gerbils is similar to that in mice and rats, exhibiting a late neurotropic stage. In the re-infected group, there was histological evidence of an adaptive T-helper 2 (Th-2) response, and larvae were apparently retained within granulomata in the liver, without obvious signs of destruction.
机译:在一次(主要感染组)或两次(次要感染组)感染了1500枚犬弓形虫卵的沙鼠中进行了幼虫迁移模式的形态学和免疫组织化学研究。在感染后的不同时间将原发感染和再感染组的动物处死,并在肠,肝,肺和脑中对幼虫进行计数。将所有器官的片段固定在福尔马林中,并将石蜡包埋以进行组织学和免疫组化分析(使用在犬小肠结肠炎犬中培养的多克隆抗弓形虫血清)。在初次感染组中,幼虫在24 h时在肠道中含量较高,在24 h至72 h时在肝脏和肺部含量较高,在96 h后则在大脑中含量较高;感染后长达60天,幼虫在大脑中占主导地位。在再感染组中,在再次感染后直至60天,观察到肝脏中幼虫数量的增加和大脑中幼虫数量的减少。炎症反应不存在或有限。在初次感染组中,在幼虫及其抗原周围观察到嗜酸性粒细胞和疏松的肉芽肿,并且更为严重。在再感染组中,幼虫周围观察到许多嗜酸性粒细胞和典型的上皮样肉芽肿。这些结果表明,沙鼠(T. canis)幼虫在沙鼠中的迁移模式与小鼠和大鼠中的类似,表现出晚期的神经营养期。在再感染组中,有组织学上的适应性T-helper 2(Th-2)反应的证据,幼虫明显保留在肝肉芽肿中,没有明显的破坏迹象。



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