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The 34th European muscle conference hortobagy, hungary, 17-21 september 2005.


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This brief report on the 34th European Muscle Conference is to give the reader a sense of the breadth of the interest in what we could refer to as the field of myobiology. The interested reader would find the abstracts and some full papers presented at the Meeting published in Issue 1 of Volume 26 of the Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility (JMRCM). There were nine sessions with 51 oral presentations interspersed with time for viewing the high quality posters. The first two sessions were devoted to the so-called auxiliary triadic proteins and to excitation contraction and excitation translation coupling. Auxiliary proteins (see B. E. Flucher et al. (2005) JMRCM 26:1-7) play a role in modulating the function of the dihydropyridine receptor as both a calcium channel and a protein making a direct contact with the ryanodine receptor. The relative role and importance of the calcium channel and the direct contact depend on the type of muscle. In addition to the well known subunits of the dihydropyridine receptor recently a number of auxill-iary proteins such as junctophilin, junctin, JP45 and others have come to light (see A. Divet et al. (2005) JMRCM 26:7-12). A tendency in current work that becomes clear from the presentations is that it is important to study auxiliary proteins and subunits in their proper environment in vitro or in experimental animals, particularly mice, with the appropriate geneknocked out.
机译:这份关于第34届欧洲肌肉大会的简短报告旨在使读者对我们可以称为肌肉生物学领域的兴趣广博。有兴趣的读者可以在《肌肉研究与细胞运动杂志》(JMRCM)第26卷第1期的会议上找到摘要和一些论文全文。共进行了九次会议,其中有51次口头报告,并有时间观看高质量的海报。前两节专门讨论所谓的辅助三联体蛋白以及激发收缩和激发翻译偶联。辅助蛋白(参见B.E.Flucher等人(2005)JMRCM 26:1-7)在调节二氢吡啶受体的功能中起着作用,因为钙通道和与ryanodine受体直接接触的蛋白均如此。钙通道和直接接触的相对作用和重要性取决于肌肉的类型。除了二氢吡啶受体的众所周知的亚基外,最近还出现了许多辅助蛋白,如junctophilin,juncttin,JP45和其他蛋白(参见A. Divet等人(2005)JMRCM 26:7-12)。 。从演示中可以清楚地看出当前工作的趋势是,重要的是在体外或实验动物(特别是小鼠)中,在适当的环境中研究辅助蛋白和亚基,并剔除适当的基因。



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