首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuro-oncology. >Local delivery of interleukin-2 and adriamycin is synergistic in the treatment of experimental malignant glioma.

Local delivery of interleukin-2 and adriamycin is synergistic in the treatment of experimental malignant glioma.


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INTRODUCTION: Local delivery of adriamycin (ADR) via biodegradable polymers has been shown to improve survival in rats challenged intracranially with 9L gliosarcoma. Likewise, local delivery of interleukin-2 (IL-2) has been shown to extend survival in experimental brain tumor models. In the current study, we hypothesized that local delivery of ADR and IL-2 might act synergistically against experimental intracranial glioma. METHODS: Polyanhydride polymers (PCPP-SA) containing 5% ADR by weight were prepared using the mix-melt method. IL-2 polymer microspheres (IL-2 MS) were produced via the complex coacervation of gelatin and chondroitin sulfate in the presence of IL-2. Sixty male Fisher 344 rats received an intracranial challenge with a lethal dose of 9L gliosarcoma cells. In addition, a group of rats were injected with either IL-2 MS or empty microspheres. Five days later they received ADR or blank polymer. There were a total of four treatment groups: (1) empty microspheres, blank polymer; (2) empty microspheres, ADR polymer; (3) IL-2 MS, blank polymer; and (4) IL-2 MS, ADR polymer. RESULTS: Compared to control animals treated with empty microspheres and blank polymer, animals receiving empty microspheres and ADR polymer (P < 0.0004), IL-2 MS and blank polymer (P < 0.0005), and IL-2 MS combined with ADR polymer (P < 0.0000002) all showed statistically significant improvement in survival. In addition, animals receiving the IL-2/ADR combination had significantly extended survival compared to either ADR or IL-2 alone (P < 0.000003 and P < 0.0004, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Both ADR and IL-2, when delivered locally, are effective monotherapeutic agents against experimental intracranial gliosarcoma. The combination ADR and IL-2 therapy is more effective than either agent alone.
机译:简介:通过生物可降解聚合物局部递送阿霉素(ADR)可以改善颅内受到9L胶质肉瘤攻击的大鼠的存活率。同样,白介素2(IL-2)的局部递送已显示出可延长实验性脑肿瘤模型的生存期。在当前的研究中,我们假设ADR和IL-2的局部递送可能协同对抗实验性颅内神经胶质瘤。方法:采用混合熔融法制备了ADR含量为5%的聚酸酐聚合物(PCPP-SA)。 IL-2聚合物微球(IL-2 MS)是在IL-2存在下,通过明胶和硫酸软骨素的复合凝聚而产生的。 60只雄性Fisher 344大鼠接受了致命剂量的9L神经胶质肉瘤细胞的颅内攻击。另外,向一组大鼠注射IL-2 MS或空的微球。五天后,他们收到了ADR或空白聚合物。总共有四个治疗组:(1)空的微球,空白聚合物; (2)空的微球,ADR聚合物; (3)IL-2 MS,空白聚合物; (4)IL-2MS,ADR聚合物。结果:与用空微球和空白聚合物治疗的对照动物相比,接受空微球和ADR聚合物(P <0.0004),IL-2 MS和空白聚合物(P <0.0005)和IL-2 MS与ADR聚合物联合治疗的动物(P <0.0004) P <0.0000002)均显示生存率有统计学显着性改善。此外,与单独使用ADR或IL-2相比,接受IL-2 / ADR组合的动物的生存期显着延长(分别为P <0.000003和P <0.0004)。结论:当局部递送时,ADR和IL-2都是有效的抗实验性颅内神经胶质肉瘤的单一治疗药物。 ADR和IL-2的联合治疗比单独使用任何一种药物更有效。



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