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Negative argument for debate with V. O. Emery for J Neural Transmission : Alzheimer's disease: are we intervening too late? No we are not. Con.

机译:与V. O. Emery进行J神经辩论的否定论点神经传播:阿尔茨海默氏病:我们干预是否为时已晚?不,我们不是。骗子

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) represents a major public health challenge. It is the most common cause of dementia, the worldwide prevalence of which will double every 20 years in the foreseeable future. It would be good if it were possible to treat AD early to diminish its impact, but current evidence does not support early intervention. Vitamin E was no more effective than placebo in a study of vitamin E and donepezil against placebo in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Vitamin E is associated with a higher rate of haemorrhagic events than is placebo. Neither donepezil nor galantamine has been shown to be helpful in retarding progression from MCI to AD. Gingko biloba was ineffective in delaying the onset of AD in a large prospective trial involving over 6,000 participants. Gamma secretase inhibitors have not yet been shown to retard the progression of AD and they seem to have a high incidence of adverse effects, especially rashes. Antibody therapy has not yet been shown to be helpful in the treatment of established AD, let alone its prevention. Metalloproteinase modifiers such as PBT2 may be useful AD therapies, but current evidence gives no support to their immediate use in pre-symptomatic AD. No evidence can yet be adduced to support the use of antibody therapies in MCI or early AD. Thus, it is clear that the early treatment of AD cannot be justified as yet, no matter how desirable this goal may be. Treatment of established AD with cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, coupled with referral of interested patients to evaluative drug trials, is the best we can do at present.
机译:阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)代表着重大的公共卫生挑战。这是痴呆症的最常见原因,在可预见的未来,痴呆症的全球患病率每20年就会翻一番。如果有可能尽早治疗AD以减轻其影响,那将是很好,但目前的证据不支持早期干预。在针对轻度认知障碍(MCI)的维生素E和多奈哌齐对抗安慰剂的研究中,维生素E的作用不比安慰剂有效。与安慰剂相比,维生素E与出血事件的发生率更高。多奈哌齐和加兰他敏均未显示出有助于阻止从MCI到AD的进展。在一项涉及6,000多名参与者的大型前瞻性试验中,银杏叶对延缓AD的发作无效。 γ分泌酶抑制剂尚未显示出可延缓AD的发展,并且它们似乎具有很高的不良反应发生率,尤其是皮疹。尚未证明抗体疗法可用于治疗既定的AD,更不用说对其进行预防了。金属蛋白酶修饰剂(例如PBT2)可能是有用的AD治疗方法,但目前的证据不支持它们在有症状的AD中立即使用。尚无证据支持在MCI或AD早期使用抗体疗法。因此,很明显,无论这个目标多么理想,都不能对AD的早期治疗进行辩护。用胆碱酯酶抑制剂和美金刚治疗已确立的AD,再将感兴趣的患者转介至评估性药物试验,是目前我们能做的最好的事情。



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