首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Modern Optics >Entanglement of tripartite states with decoherence in non-inertial frames

Entanglement of tripartite states with decoherence in non-inertial frames


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The one-tangle and π-tangle are used to quantify the entanglement of a tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state in non-inertial frames when the system interacts with a noisy environment in the form of phase damping, phase flip and bit flip channels. It is shown that the two-tangles behave as a closed system. The one-tangle and π-tangle have different behaviors in the three channels. In the case of the phase damping channel, depending on the kind of coupling, the sudden death of both the one-tangle and -tangle may or may not happen, whereas in the case of the phase flip channel the sudden death cannot be avoided. The effect of decoherence may be ignored in the limit of infinite acceleration when the system interacts with a bit flip channel. Furthermore, a sudden rebirth of the one-tangle and -tangle occurs in the case of the phase flip channel which may be delayed when collective coupling is switched on.



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