首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >The anthrax protective antigen (PA(63)) bound conformation of a peptide inhibitor of the binding of lethal factor to PA(63): As determined by trNOESY NMR and molecular modeling

The anthrax protective antigen (PA(63)) bound conformation of a peptide inhibitor of the binding of lethal factor to PA(63): As determined by trNOESY NMR and molecular modeling

机译:炭疽保护性抗原(PA(63))结合的肽抑制剂的构象,该肽抑制剂具有致命因子与PA(63)的结合:通过trNOESY NMR和分子模型确定

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Anthrax protective antigen (PA) is one of the three proteins produced by the gram positive bacteria Bacillus anthracis collectively known as the "anthrax toxin" (Ascenzi, P.; Visca, P.; Ippolito, G.; Spallarossa, A.; Bolognesi, M.; et al. Anthrax toxin: a tripartite lethal combination. FEBS Lett. 2002, 531, 384-388). The role played by PA in anthrax intoxication is to transport the two enzymes lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF) into the cell. Collier and co-workers (Mourez, M.; Kane, R. S.; Mogridge, J.; Metallo, S.; Deschatelets, P.; et al. Designing a polyvalent inhibitor of anthrax toxin. Nat. Biotechnol. 2001, 958). reported the isolation of two peptides via phage display that bind to the PA(63) heptamer and inhibit its interaction with LF and EF, and thereby prevent the transport of LF and EF into the cell. One of these peptides, His-Thr-Ser-Thr-Try-Trp-Trp-Leu-Asp-Gly-Ala-Pro (P1), was selected for structural investigation on the basis of its ability to prevent the binding of LF to the PA63 heptamer bundle. Two-dimensional trNOESY experiments coupled with NOE restrained simulated annealing calculations were used to determine the PA(63)-bound conformation of P1. On binding to PA(63), P1 adopts a helical conformation involving residues 3-9 while the C- and N-terminal residues exhibit dynamic fraying.
机译:炭疽保护性抗原(PA)是由革兰氏阳性细菌炭疽杆菌产生的三种蛋白质之一,统称为“炭疽毒素”(Ascenzi,P .; Visca,P .; Ippolito,G .; Spallarossa,A .; Bolognesi ,M .;等人,《炭疽毒素:三重致死性组合》(FEBS Lett。2002,531,384-388)。 PA在炭疽中毒中的作用是将两种酶致死因子(LF)和水肿因子(EF)转运到细胞中。 Collier及其同事(Mourez,M。; Kane,R.S。; Mogridge,J。; Metallo,S。; Deschatelets,P .;等人,设计炭疽毒素的多价抑制剂。Nat.Biotechnol.2001,958)。报道了通过噬菌体展示分离与PA(63)七聚体结合并抑制其与LF和EF的相互作用,从而防止LF和EF转运进入细胞的两种肽的分离。根据其防止LF结合的能力,选择了其中一种肽His-Thr-Ser-Thr-Try-Trp-Trp-Leu-Asp-Gly-Ala-Pro(P1)进行结构研究。 PA63七聚体束。二维trNOESY实验结合NOE约束的模​​拟退火计算被用来确定P1的PA(63)结合构象。在与PA(63)结合时,P1采用螺旋构象,涉及残基3-9,而C和N端残基表现出动态磨损。



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