首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences >Effect of different weed management techniques on weed growth, quality and husk yield of psyllium (Plantago ovata)

Effect of different weed management techniques on weed growth, quality and husk yield of psyllium (Plantago ovata)

机译:不同杂草处理技术对欧车前草(Plantago ovata)杂草生长,品质和果壳产量的影响

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The integration of herbicides with one weeding at 40 days after sowing (DAS) induced desirable quality parameters like swelling factor and husk recovery percentage and husk yield and decreased quality deteriorative parameters such as huskless (redden)seeds, huskless seed percentage, huskless seed weight and equal husked seed weight over sole application of the herbicides. Weed free check recorded the lowest weed growth and resulted in the lowest quality deteriorative parameters and the highest desirable quality parameters and husk yield, followed by two weeding at 40 and 60 DAS, isoproturon at 0.5 kg ha~(-1) as pre-emergence + weeding at 40 DAS and 2,4-D Na salt at 0.4 kg ha~(-1)+ weeding at 60 DAS. Among herbicides, pre-emergence application of isoproturon at 40 DAS and 2,4-D Na salt at 0.4 kg ha~(-1) + weeding at 60 DAS. Among herbicides, pre-emergence application of isoproturon at 1.0 and 0.5 kg ha~(-1) proved conducive to desirable quality parameters and seed husk yield over its post-emergenceapplication at 1.0 and 0.5 kg ha~(-1) and other herbicides. Levels of pendimethalin (0.5-0.75 kg ha~(-1)), fluchloralin (0.5-0.75 ha~(-1)) and alachlar granules (0.5 -1.0 kg ha~(-1)) proved phytotoxic (47.31, 57.28, 25.83, 35.45 21.33 and 34.31 % respectively) to psyllium crop and caused significant deterioration in quality and husk yield compared with tolerant herbicides. These herbicides registered negligible residues (0.0001-0.0009 ppm) in psyllium plants. Residues of herbicides like isoproturon, 2,4-D Na salt, pendimethlin, fluchloralin and alachlor granules were below detectable level in psyllium seeds.
机译:播种后第40天除草剂与一次除草的整合(DAS)诱导了理想的质量参数,例如溶胀因子和稻壳回收率和稻壳产量,降低了质量恶化参数,例如无壳(红)种子,无壳种子百分比,无壳种子重量和与仅使用除草剂相比,脱壳后的种子重相等。无杂草检查记录了最低的杂草生长,并导致了最低的质量恶化参数和最高的理想质量参数以及果壳产量,随后在出苗前分别以40和60 DAS进行了两次除草,以0.5 kg ha〜(-1)的异丙隆进行除草。 +在40 DAS下除草,在0.4 kg ha〜(-1)下用2,4-D Na盐+在60 DAS下除草。除草剂中,异丙隆在40 DAS时出苗,2,4-D Na盐以0.4 kg ha〜(-1)+ 60 DAS时除草。在除草剂中,与在1.0和0.5 kg ha〜(-1)和其他除草剂的芽后施用相比,异丙隆在1.0和0.5 kg ha〜(-1)的出苗前施用被证明有利于理想的质量参数和种子皮产量。已证明二甲戊乐灵(0.5-0.75 kg ha〜(-1)),氟氯林菊酯(0.5-0.75 ha〜(-1))和蛛形颗粒(0.5 -1.0 kg ha〜(-1))的植物毒性(47.31,57.28,与耐性除草剂相比,车前草的产量分别降低了25.83%,25.83%,35.45 21.33%和34.31%。这些除草剂在欧车前植物中的残留量可忽略不计(0.0001-0.0009 ppm)。欧车前种子中的除草剂如异丙隆,2,4-D Na盐,二甲蝶呤,氟氯林定和甲草胺颗粒的残留量低于可检测水平。



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