首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Virology >Epidemiology of herpes zoster and its relationship to varicella in Japan: A 10-year survey of 48,388 herpes zoster cases in Miyazaki prefecture.

Epidemiology of herpes zoster and its relationship to varicella in Japan: A 10-year survey of 48,388 herpes zoster cases in Miyazaki prefecture.


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From 1997 to 2006, a total of 48,388 patients with herpes zoster, ranging from a 3-month-old girl to a 102-year-old woman, were monitored at the 46 dermatology clinics in the Miyazaki Prefecture, which has a population of about 1.2 million. The mean herpes zoster incidence was 4.15/1,000 person-years, ranging from 1.96 to 7.84/1,000 person-years among different age groups, and the herpes zoster incidence was significantly higher in females (4.58) than in males (3.67). The incidence by age group was 1.96-2.86/1,000 person-years below the age of 50 years, and it increased to 5.23-7.84/1,000 person-years in persons 50-59 and older, with a trough in the ages 30-39, forming the small and large peaks. Females showed a significantly higher incidence than males, and the difference between the sexes was small below age 40 but greater at 40-49, 50-59, and 60-69. The incidence of herpes zoster was highest in August and lowest in winter, mirroring the prevalence of varicella. The number of herpes zoster cases at 60 years and older increased more than in the population from 1997 to 2006, and this increased incidence of herpes zoster in the 60-69 years and older, especially in females, might have raised the rate in contrast to the stable incidence below the age of 60 years. This large-scale survey clarifies the epidemiology of herpes zoster by age, gender, and season in relation to the prevalence of varicella in the Miyazaki Prefecture in Japan.
机译:从1997年到2006年,宫崎县的46家皮肤科诊所共监测了48388例带状疱疹患者,范围从3个月大的女孩到102岁的女性。 120万带状疱疹的平均发生率是4.15 / 1,000人年,在不同年龄组之间介于1.96至7.84 / 1,000人年之间,女性(4.58)的带状疱疹发生率明显高于男性(3.67)。 50岁以下年龄段的发病率是1.96-2.86 / 1,000人年,而50-59岁以上的人的发病率上升到5.23-7.84 / 1,000人年,谷底年龄在30-39岁之间。 ,形成大大小小的山峰。女性的发病率明显高于男性,性别差异在40岁以下较小,但在40-49岁,50-59岁和60-69岁之间差异更大。带状疱疹的发生率在八月最高,而在冬季最低,这反映了水痘的流行。与1997年至2006年相比,年龄在60岁及以上的带状疱疹病例的增加幅度超过了人口总数,而在60-69岁及以上的这种带状疱疹的发病率增加,尤其是女性,与60岁以下的稳定发病率。这项大规模调查明确了日本宫崎县水痘患病率与年龄,性别和季节有关的带状疱疹流行病学。



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