首页> 外文期刊>Journal of magnetic resonance imaging: JMRI >Hyperpolarized 3He apparent diffusion coefficient MRI of the lung: reproducibility and volume dependency in healthy volunteers and patients with emphysema.

Hyperpolarized 3He apparent diffusion coefficient MRI of the lung: reproducibility and volume dependency in healthy volunteers and patients with emphysema.


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PURPOSE: To measure the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of hyperpolarized (HP) (3)He gas using diffusion weighted MRI in healthy volunteers and patients with emphysema and examine the reproducibility and volume dependency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of eight healthy volunteers and 16 patients with emphysema were examined after inhalation of HP (3)He gas mixed with nitrogen (N(2)) during breathhold starting from functional residual capacity (FRC) in supine position. Coronal diffusion-sensitized MR images were acquired. Each subject was imaged on three separate days over a seven-day period and received two different volumes (6% and 15% of total lung capacity [TLC]) of HP (3)He each day. ADC maps and histograms were calculated. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of the ADC at different days and volumes were compared. RESULTS: The reproducibility of the mean ADC and SD over several days was good in both healthy volunteers and patients (SD range of 0.003-0.013 cm(2)/second and 0.001-0.009 cm(2)/second at 6% and 15% of TLC for healthy volunteers, and a SD range of 0.001-0.041 cm(2)/second and 0.001-0.011 cm(2)/second, respectively, for patients). A minor but significant increase in mean ADC with increased inhaled gas volume was observed in both groups. CONCLUSION: Mean ADC and SD of HP (3)He MRI is reproducible and discriminates well between healthy controls and patients with emphysema at the higher gas volume. This method is robust and may be useful to gain new insights into the pathophysiology and course of emphysema.
机译:目的:利用扩散加权MRI在健康志愿者和肺气肿患者中测量超极化(HP)(3)He气体的表观扩散系数(ADC),并检查其可重复性和体积依赖性。材料与方法:呼吸期间,从仰卧位的功能残余容量(FRC)开始,吸入HP(3)He气体与氮气(N(2))混合后,共检查了8名健康志愿者和16名肺气肿患者。获得冠状扩散敏化的MR图像。每个受试者在7天的时间里分别在三天中成像,并且每天接受两种不同体积的HP(3)He(分别为肺总容量[TLC]的6%和15%)。 ADC图和直方图被计算。比较了不同天数和体积下ADC的平均值和标准偏差(SD)。结果:健康志愿者和患者在数天内的平均ADC和SD的重现性都很好(SD范围为0.003-0.013 cm(2)/秒和0.001-0.009 cm(2)/秒,分别为6%和15%健康志愿者的TLC值),患者的SD范围分别为0.001-0.041 cm(2)/秒和0.001-0.011 cm(2)/秒。两组均观察到平均ADC随吸入气体量增加而略有但显着增加。结论:HP的平均ADC和SD(3)He MRI具有可重现性,并且可以很好地区分健康对照和高气量肺气肿患者。这种方法是鲁棒的,可能有助于获得对肺气肿的病理生理学和病程的新见解。



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