首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Metamorphic Geology >Diachronous Palaeoproterozoic deformation and metamorphism in the Committee Bay belt, Rae Province, Nunavut: insights from ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar cooling ages and thermal modelling

Diachronous Palaeoproterozoic deformation and metamorphism in the Committee Bay belt, Rae Province, Nunavut: insights from ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar cooling ages and thermal modelling


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Regional-scale ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar data presented in this paper reveal significant across-strike and along-strike age differences in the Committee Bay belt (CBb), Rae Province, Nunavut, Canada, that complement variations in observed monazite ages. ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar hornblende ages are c. 1795, 1775, and 1750 Ma in the western, eastern and central parts of the Prince Albert Group (PAG) domain respectively. The migmatite domain and Walker Lake intrusive complex are characterized by c. 1750-1730 ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar hornblende ages without significant along-strike variation. The ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar data provide important constraints on the cooling history and on thermal modelling that elucidates the controls on diachroneity and metamorphic patterns within the belt. In the western CBb, prograde monazite growth occurred 26 ± 10 Myr earlier in the migmatite domain (1864 ± 9 Ma; peak P-T = 5 kbar-700 °C) than in the PAG domain (1838 ± 5 Ma; peak P-T = 5 kbar-580 °C). Calculations indicate that this earlier monazite growth results from tectonic thickening of higher heat productivity Archean lithologies in the migmatite domain, which undergoes more rapid prograde heating than the less radiogenetic and lower grade rocks of the PAG domain. Granite generation via biotite dehydration melting at 800 °C and 20 km depth is predicted to occur c. 1835 Ma, in agreement with geochronological constraints. The tectonic burial of crustal domains with contrasting radiogenic properties also explains the general congruence of lower to upper amphibolite facies metamorphic zones generated during the two main orogenic cycles (i.e. M_2-D_1 and M_3-D_2). The modelled timing of prograde monazite growth in the migmatite domain suggests that D_2 tectonic thickening began at 1872 ± 9 Ma, some 8 ± 3 Myr before monzazite growth, coeval with the inferred time of collision of the Meta Incognita terrane with the southern Rae Province. Along-strike diachroneity, reflected in 25 Myr younger monazite and ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar hornblende ages in the eastern relative to the western PAG domain, cannot be accounted for by heat productivity contrasts along the belt. Instead the younger deformation and metamorphism in the eastern CBb was driven by its proximity to the eastern promontory of the Superior Province which collided with the Rae Province at c. 1820 Ma. The ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar data presented here support the interpretation that the youngest monazite in the CBb crystallized at c. 1790 Ma in the central CBb when this part of the belt was downfolded into a gentle synformal structure while the western part of the belt cooled through ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar hornblende closure. The results of this study illustrate the important influence of contrasting rock properties on the thermal evolution of orogenic belts and on the temporal record of this evolution.
机译:本文提供的区域规模〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar数据揭示了加拿大努纳武特Rae省的委员会湾带(CBb)的跨跨和沿跨年龄存在显着差异,这补充了观察独居石的年龄。 〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar角闪闪发光年龄是c。分别位于阿尔伯特亲王集团(PAG)区域的西部,东部和中部的1795、1775和1750 Ma。辉铁矿域和沃克湖侵入复合体的特征为c。 1750-1730〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar角闪石的年龄没有明显的沿程变化。 〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar数据对冷却历史和热模型提供了重要的约束条件,从而阐明了对带内铁斜度和变质模式的控制。在西部CBb中,在辉铁矿域(1864±9 Ma;峰值PT = 5 kbar-700°C)中,提前的独居石生长比PAG域(1838±5 Ma;峰值PT = 5 kbar)早26±10 Myr -580°C)。计算表明,这种独居石的早期生长是由于在辉长岩域中较高热量的太古宙岩性构造增厚所致,与PAG域中低放射性和低品位的岩石相比,其经历的升温速度更快。预计在800°C和20 km深度通过黑云母脱水融化而生成花岗岩。 1835年,与年代学的约束相一致。具有放射成因特征的地壳区域的构造埋藏也解释了在两个主要造山循环(即M_2-D_1和M_3-D_2)中产生的下至上两栖岩相变质带的一般一致性。蒙脱石域中前进的独居石生长的模拟时机表明,D_2构造增厚始于1872±9 Ma,在独居石生长之前约8±3 Myr,与推断的Meta Incognita地体与南部Rae省的碰撞时间一致。相对于西部PAG域而言,东部的25 Myr独居石和〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar角闪石年龄反映了沿走向的双错度。取而代之的是,东部CBb较年轻的变形和变质作用是由于其靠近上级省东部海角而导致的,而该省在c时与Rae省相撞。 1820年。此处给出的〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar数据支持了CBb中最年轻的独居石在c结晶的解释。当皮带的这一部分向下折叠成平缓的共形结构时,在中央CBb处形成了1790 Ma,而皮带的西部部分通过〜(40)Ar-〜(39)Ar角闪石闭合冷却了。这项研究的结果说明了对比岩石性质对造山带热演化和这种演化的时间记录的重要影响。



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