首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Metamorphic Geology >Polygenetic titanite records the composition of metamorphic fluids during the exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure metagranite in the Sulu orogen

Polygenetic titanite records the composition of metamorphic fluids during the exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure metagranite in the Sulu orogen


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An integrated study of U-Pb ages and trace elements was carried out for titanite and zircon from ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metagranites in the Sulu orogen, east-central China. The results provide constraints on the composition of metamorphic fluids during the exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust. Titanite has two domain types based on REE patterns and trace element variations, Ttn-I and Ttn-II respectively. These two domains show indistinguishable U-Pb ages of 232 +/- 14 to 220 +/- 8Ma, in general agreement with anatectic zircon U-Pb ages of 223 +/- 4 to 219 +/- 2Ma for the partial melting event during early exhumation. The Ttn-I domains have significantly higher REE, Th, Ta and Sr, and higher Th/U ratios than the Ttn-II domains, indicating that the two domains have grown from metamorphic fluids with different compositions. For the Ttn-I domains, Zr-in-titanite thermometry yields high temperatures of 773-851 degrees C at 2.5GPa, and petrographic observations reveal the presence of melt pseudomorphs. Thus, they are interpreted to have grown from hydrous melts in the early exhumation stage. In contrast, the Ttn-II domains were texturally equilibrated with amphibolite facies minerals such as biotite and plagioclase and contain inclusions of plagioclase and quartz. The Zr-in-titanite thermometry yields lower temperatures of 627-685 degrees C at 1.0GPa. In combination with their REE patterns, they are interpreted to have grown from aqueous solutions at amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions during further exhumation. The differences in Th and Sr contents are prominent between the Ttn-I and Ttn-II domains, signifying the compositional difference between the hydrous melts and aqueous solutions. Therefore, the polygenetic titanite in the UHP metamorphic rocks provides insights into the geochemical property of metamorphic fluids during the continental subduction-zone processes.
机译:对华东苏鲁造山带中超高压(UHP)变质花岗岩中的钛矿和锆石的U-Pb年龄和微量元素进行了综合研究。结果为深层俯冲大陆壳的发掘过程中变质流体的组成提供了限制。钛矿有两种基于REE模式和痕量元素变化的畴类型,分别为Ttn-I和Ttn-II。这两个域的U-Pb年龄在232 +/- 14至220 +/- 8Ma之间是无法区分的,这与部分熔融事件中的锆石锆石U-Pb年龄在223 +/- 4至219 +/- 2Ma大致一致。早期发掘。 Ttn-I结构域比Ttn-II结构域具有更高的REE,Th,Ta和Sr以及更高的Th / U比,表明这两个结构域是从具有不同组成的变质流体中生长的。对于Ttn-I域,钛铁矿中的Zr测温法在2.5GPa时可产生773-851摄氏度的高温,并且岩相学观察表明存在熔融的假晶型。因此,它们被解释为在早期发掘阶段从含水熔体中生长出来。相反,Ttn-II结构域与角闪石相矿物(如黑云母和斜长石)在质地上达到平衡,并且包含斜长石和石英的内含物。钛铁矿中的Zr测温法在1.0GPa时产生的较低温度为627-685摄氏度。结合它们的REE模式,可以认为它们是在进一步掘尸过程中从闪石岩相变质条件下的水溶液中生长出来的。 Ttn-I和Ttn-II域之间的Th和Sr含量差异明显,表明含水熔体和水溶液之间的成分差异。因此,UHP变质岩中的多成岩钛矿为大陆俯冲带过程中变质流体的地球化学性质提供了见识。



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