首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Macromolecular Science. Physics >Viscoelastic behavior of the regular alternating terpolymers of ethene and propene with carbon monoxide

Viscoelastic behavior of the regular alternating terpolymers of ethene and propene with carbon monoxide


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A series of the alternating terpolymers of ethene (Et) and propene (Pr) with carbon monoxide (CO), with different Et/CO contents, was characterized by storage and loss shear moduli (measured in a frequency window spanning about three decades) at several fixed temperatures in the interval from 120degrees to 220degreesC. The bell-like plot of the reduced (i.e.. molar mass-independent) values of complex viscosity vs. Et/CO mass content was quantitatively reproduced by classical copolymerization theory assuming the strictly alternating Et/CO and Pr/CO copolymers as "virtual homopolymers" 11 and 22, and the strictly alternating (Et/CO)/(Pr/CO) terpolymer as an "alternating virtual copolymer" 12. Compared with other flexible-chain polymers, the apparent plateau moduli for the terpolymers were severalfold lower, suggesting an unusually loose structure of entanglement networks. Thus, the CO groups in the main chain of the terpolymers were ranked as the least effective entanglement formers, whereas the unlike dyads of the type (Et/CO)/(Pr/CO) were more effective than like dyads of the type (Et/CO)/(Et/CO) or (Pr/CO)/(Pr/CO). The systematic hysteresis viscosity effects during initial heating up to 220degreesC and subsequent cooling down to 120degreesC for samples Et/CO = 30.6 and Et/CO = 31.9 were regarded as experimental evidence for the existence of ordered nanodomains in the initial nanostructured state that served as reinforcing bridge, for a continuous disordered matrix. [References: 28]
机译:一系列具有不同Et / CO含量的乙烯(Et)和丙烯(Pr)与一氧化碳(CO)交替的三元共聚物,其储能和损耗剪切模量(在跨度约三个十年的频率窗口中测量)介于120摄氏度至220摄氏度之间的几个固定温度。通过经典的共聚理论,假设Et / CO和Pr / CO共聚物严格交替为“虚拟均聚物”,通过复数法定量复制了复数粘度相对于Et / CO质量含量的降低(即与摩尔质量无关)的降低的钟形图。 “ 11和22,以及严格交替的(Et / CO)/(Pr / CO)三元共聚物作为”交替虚拟共聚物”12。与其他柔性链聚合物相比,三元共聚物的表观平稳模量要低几倍,表明纠缠网络的异常松散的结构。因此,三元共聚物主链中的CO基团被列为最不有效的缠结前体,而(Et / CO)/(Pr / CO)型的不同二元组比(Et / CO)型二元组更有效。 / CO)/(Et / CO)或(Pr / CO)/(Pr / CO)。 Et / CO = 30.6和Et / CO = 31.9的样品在最初加热到220°C和随后冷却到120°C期间的系统滞后粘度效应被认为是在初始纳米结构状态下存在有序纳米域作为增强作用的实验证据。桥,用于连续的无序矩阵。 [参考:28]



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