首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medical biography >Medical politician and man of Olympian vision and energy: Dr William Penny Brookes (1809-95) of Much Wenlock.

Medical politician and man of Olympian vision and energy: Dr William Penny Brookes (1809-95) of Much Wenlock.

机译:医学政治家和奥林匹克精神和能量人:温洛克(Much Wenlock)的威廉·彭尼·布鲁克斯(William Penny Brookes)博士(1809-95)。

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William Penny Brookes lived all his life in Much Wenlock in Shropshire where he worked as a general practitioner for 60 years. He is now best remembered as the founder of the Wenlock Olympian Society, as a founding member of the first national Olympian association and for his influence on Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement. He was a tireless campaigner for the introduction of physical education and a lessening of the academic workload in elementary schools. He was also an important figure?in the medical reform movement of the mid-19th century. In Much Wenlock he was a much respected philanthropist and was involved in many civic activities. He was also a notable botanist and antiquarian.
机译:威廉·彭尼·布鲁克斯(William Penny Brookes)一生都居住在什罗普郡的温洛克(Much Wenlock),在那里从事全科医生60年。现在,他以温洛克奥林匹亚学会的创始人,第一个国家奥林匹亚协会的创始成员以及对现代奥林匹克运动创始人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦男爵的影响而广为人知。他是一位不懈的运动家,致力于体育教育和减轻小学的学术工作量。他还是19世纪中叶医疗改革运动中的重要人物。在温洛克(Much Wenlock),他是一位备受推崇的慈善家,并参与了许多公民活动。他还是著名的植物学家和古物学家。



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