首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) males in Italian urban areas and significance for sterile insect technique application.

Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) males in Italian urban areas and significance for sterile insect technique application.


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The dispersal and survival of laboratory-reared Aedes albopictus Skuse males were investigated during the summer of 2007 in three Northern Italy urban localities by mark-release-recapture techniques. Two marking methods were compared: one group of males was dusted with fluorescent pigments on the body (FP), and the other group was obtained from a strain whose natural infection of Wolbachia had been removed (WB0). FP- and WB0-marked males were released as adults and pupae, respectively, in one fixed station at each locality. Recaptures were performed by skilled technicians, within a radius of 350 m from the release site, on days 4, 5, and 7 after the release, and the males were collected while flying around the technician's body or in swarms. Recapture rates ranged from 0.63 to 4.72% for FP males and from 2.39 to 11.05% for WB0 males. The mean distance traveled for WB0 males was significantly higher than for FP males; no difference was observed between the dispersal distance measured for the males recaptured on human host versus males recaptured while swarming. No further increase of the dispersal occurred during the postrelease period investigated (from day 4 to day 7 after release). The mean survival rate at the release was 0.51 for FP-marked males and 0.81 for WB0 males. The data obtained are discussed for their significance in planning sterile insect technique programs against Ae. albopictus.
机译:2007年夏季,在意大利北部的三个城市地区,通过标记释放再捕获技术对实验室饲养的白纹伊蚊的传播和存活情况进行了调查。比较了两种标记方法:一组男性在身上涂有荧光色素(FP),另一组是从去除了沃尔巴氏菌自然感染的菌株中获得的(WB0)。 FP和WB0标记的雄性分别在每个位置的一个固定站中分别作为成年和p释放。在释放后的第4、5和7天,由熟练的技术人员在距离释放地点350 m的半径内进行重新捕获,并在围绕技术人员的身体或成群飞行的同时收集雄性。 FP男性的重获率介于0.63至4.72%之间,WB0男性的重获率介于2.39至11.05%之间。 WB0男性的平均行进距离明显高于FP男性;在人类宿主中重新捕获的雄性与成群时重新捕获的雄性的散布距离之间没有观察到差异。在所研究的释放后期间(释放后第4天至第7天),没有发生进一步的分散。 FP标记的雄性在释放时的平均存活率为0.51,WB0雄性为0.81。讨论了获得的数据在计划针对Ae的无菌昆虫技术计划中的意义。白化病



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