首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Surveillance for Arboviruses in an Area Endemic for West Nile (Lineage Rabensburg) and Tahyna Viruses in Central Europe

Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Surveillance for Arboviruses in an Area Endemic for West Nile (Lineage Rabensburg) and Tahyna Viruses in Central Europe


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Six viral isolates were obtained from 23,243 female mosquitoes (examined in 513 pools) belonging to 16 species and collected along the lower reaches of the Dyje River in South Moravia (Czech Republic, central Europe) during 2006-2008: five isolates of Orthobunyavirus Tahyna (TAHV, California group, family Bunyaviridae: three isolations from Aedes vexans (Meigen), one from Ae. sticticus (Meigen), one from Culex modestus Ficalbi); and one isolation of Flavivirus West Nile (WNV, Japanese encephalitis group, family Flaviviridae)-strain Rabensburg (proposed lineage 3 of WNV) from Ae. rossicus (Dolbeshkin et al). All viral isolates were recovered from mosquitoes collected in 2006 (15,882 mosquitoes examined), while no virus was isolated from mosquitoes trapped in 2007 and 2008, when 1,555 and 5,806 mosquitoes were examined, respectively. The population density of local mosquitoes was very low in 2007 and 2008 because of warm and dry summer including a considerably low water table, compared with environmental conditions favorable for mosquito development in 2006. The virus isolation procedure was based on intracerebral inoculation of newborn mice. In parallel, more than one-third of the samples (183 pools consisting of 8,470 individual mosquitoes) were also examined by inoculating Vero cell cultures in Leighton tubes. However, the latter method detected only three of the six virus isolates (including WNV-Rabensburg). Ae. rossicus is a new potential vector for WNV-Rabensburg. This species feeds mostly on mammals including man; this raises the question whether this virus lineage is not adapted to an alternative mosquito-mammal cycle in the South-Moravian natural focus.
机译:从2006年至2008年期间,在南摩拉维亚(欧洲中部捷克共和国)的代耶河下游采集了来自16种物种的23,243只雌性蚊子(在513个池中进行了检查),获得了6种病毒分离株:Orthobunyavirus Tahyna( TAHV,加利福尼亚组,布尼亚病毒科:三株来自墨西哥伊蚊(Meigen),一株来自埃及伊蚊(Meigen),一株来自库蚊(Culexmodetus Ficalbi)。以及从Ae分离出一株黄病毒西尼罗河病毒(WNV,日本脑炎组,黄病毒科),株Rabensburg(WNV的建议血统3)。 rossicus(Dolbeshkin等)。从2006年收集的蚊子(检查了15,882只蚊子)中回收了所有病毒分离株,而在2007年和2008年分别检测了1,555和5,806只蚊子时,没有分离出病毒。与2006年有利于蚊子生长的环境条件相比,由于夏季温暖干燥的夏季(包括很低的地下水位),2007年和2008年本地蚊子的种群密度非常低。病毒分离过程基于新生小鼠的脑内接种。同时,还通过在Leighton管中接种Vero细胞培养物检查了三分之一以上的样品(183个池,包括8470个单独的蚊子)。但是,后一种方法仅检测到六个病毒分离株中的三个(包括WNV-Rabensburg)。 e rossicus是WNV-Rabensburg的新潜在载体。该物种主要以包括人类在内的哺乳动物为食。这就提出了一个问题,即该病毒谱系是否不适应南摩拉维亚自然界的替代蚊虫-哺乳动物周期。



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