首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >Direct and indirect effects of animal detritus on growth, survival, and mass of invasive container mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Direct and indirect effects of animal detritus on growth, survival, and mass of invasive container mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)


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Compared with plant detritus, animal detritus yields higher growth rates, survival, adult mass, and population growth of container-dwelling mosquitoes. It is unclear whether the benefit from animal detritus to larvae results from greater microorganism growth, direct ingestion of animal detritus by larvae, or some other mechanism. We tested alternative mechanisms by which animal detritus may benefit the invasive container-dwelling mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae). In the laboratory, larvae were reared under three conditions with access to 1) detritus, but where microorganisms in the water column were reduced through periodic flushing; 2) water column microorganisms, but larvae had no direct access to detritus; or 3) both water column microorganisms and detritus. Access treatments were conducted for three masses of animal detritus: 0.005, 0.010, and 0.020 g. Water column bacterial productivity (measured via incorporation of [3H] leucine) decreased significantly with flushing and with larval presence. Removing microorganisms through flushing significantly reduced mass of adult mosquitoes (both sexes), and it significantly prolonged developmental times of females compared with treatments where water column microorganisms or microorganisms and detritus were available. Survival to adulthood was greatest when larvae had access to both water column microorganisms and 0.020 g of detritus, but it declined when only water column microorganisms were available or when 0.005 g of detritus was used. These findings indicate both direct (as a food source) and indirect (assisting with decomposition of detritus) roles of microorganisms in producing the benefit of animal detritus to container mosquito larvae.
机译:与植物碎屑相比,动物碎屑具有更高的生长速率,存活率,成虫质量以及以容器为居群的蚊子的种群增长。尚不清楚动物碎屑对幼虫的益处是由于更大的微生物生长,通过幼虫直接摄入动物碎屑或其他某种机制所致。我们测试了动物碎屑可能有益于侵入性容器居住蚊子白纹伊蚊(Skuse)(双翅目:pt科)的替代机制。在实验室中,幼虫在三种条件下饲养,可以接触到1)碎屑,但是通过定期冲洗减少了水柱中的微生物。 2)水柱微生物,但幼虫没有直接进入碎屑的通道;或3)水柱微生物和碎屑。对三种动物碎屑进行了接触处理:0.005、0.010和0.020 g。水柱细菌生产力(通过掺入[3H]亮氨酸来衡量)随着潮红和幼虫的存在而显着降低。与可用水柱微生物或微生物和碎屑处理相比,通过冲洗除去微生物可显着减少成年蚊虫(男女)的质量,并且显着延长了雌性的发育时间。当幼虫同时接触水柱微生物和0.020 g碎屑时,成虫的存活率最大,但是当只有水柱微生物可用或使用0.005 g碎屑时,存活率下降。这些发现表明微生物在产生动物碎屑对容器蚊幼体的益处方面具有直接作用(作为食物来源)和间接作用(辅助碎屑分解)。



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