首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >The taxonomic status of genetically divergent populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera : Psychodidae) based on the distribution of mitochondrial and isozyme variation

The taxonomic status of genetically divergent populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera : Psychodidae) based on the distribution of mitochondrial and isozyme variation

机译:基于线粒体分布和同工酶变异的长足Lutzomyia longipalpis(Diptera:Psychodidae)遗传上不同种群的分类学地位

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The sand fly, Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva) reputedly is a complex of cryptic species; however, there is currently no consensus as to the number of species in the complex or their geographic distributions. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of 31 populations from throughout the species range, using seven isozyme loci and genes in the mitochondrial genome. Analyses of these two independent sets of markers were largely concordant and revealed four distinct clades that support the existence of four species. The four clades have distinct geographic ranges: (1) Brazil (Species A = Lu. longipalpis sensu stricto), (2) Laran (Species B = Lu. pseudolongipalpis), (3) cis-Andean (Species C), and (4) trans-Andean (Species D). The cis-Andean clade may be subdivided further into two groups, one in Colombia and one in northwestern Venezuela, but their taxonomic status remains unresolved. Knowledge that Lu. longipalpis is a complex of species may ultimately shed light on anomalies in the, epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World.
机译:沙蝇Lutzomyia longipalpis(Lutz&Neiva)据说是一种隐性物种的复合体。但是,目前对于复合体中的物种数量或其地理分布尚无共识。我们使用线粒体基因组中的七个同工酶基因座和基因,对整个物种范围内的31个种群进行了系统进化分析。对这两个独立标记集的分析在很大程度上是一致的,并揭示了支持四个物种存在的四个不同进化枝。四个进化枝具有不同的地理范围:(1)巴西(物种A = Lu。longipalpis sensu stricto),(2)拉兰(物种B = Lu。pseudolongipalpis),(3)顺安第斯山脉(物种C)和(4 )跨安第斯山脉(物种D)。顺-安第斯进化枝可以进一步分为两类,一组在哥伦比亚,另一组在委内瑞拉西北部,但它们的分类学地位仍未得到解决。知那鲁。 longipalpis是一个复杂的物种,最终可能揭示了新世界内脏利什曼病的流行病学中的异常情况。



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