首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalogy >Climbing behavior of northern red-backed voles (Myodes rutilus) and scansoriality in Myodes (Rodentia, Cricetidae)

Climbing behavior of northern red-backed voles (Myodes rutilus) and scansoriality in Myodes (Rodentia, Cricetidae)

机译:北部红背田鼠(Myodes rut​​ilus)的攀爬行为和Myodes(Rodentia,Cricetidae)的扫描性

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Scansoriality (climbing) allows access to valuable resources in the arboreal niche and is widespread among mammals, yet little is known about how it originates from obligate terrestriality. The northern red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus) is a small, Holarctic rodent long presumed to be strictly terrestrial, yet 3 of its congeners (M. gapperi, M. glareolus, and M. californicus) have been observed climbing in trees. We conducted paired arboreal and ground trapping surveys in interior Alaska to investigate anecdotal accounts of tree-climbing behavior in M. rutilus. Results indicate that they readily climb up to 2 m above ground in trees of their own volition, a phenomenon heretofore undocumented in the literature. Camera trap videos show M. rutilus exhibiting behavior and dexterity-such as terminal branch arboreal quadrupedalism and head-first descent mediated by hindfoot rotation-generally associated with more arboreal species. Northern red-backed voles may therefore provide a new perspective on early stages of scansoriality in small-bodied mammals. (C) 2015 American Society of Mammalogists, www.mammalogy.org
机译:Scansoriality(攀爬)允许在树栖环境中获取有价值的资源,并且在哺乳动物中广泛存在,但对其起源于专性陆地的知之甚少。北部的红背田鼠(Myodes rut​​ilus)是一种小型的霍拉克性啮齿动物,长期以来被严格认为是陆地动物,但已经观察到其三个同类动物(M. gapperi,M。glareolus和M. californicus)在树上攀爬。我们在阿拉斯加内部进行了成对的树木和地面诱捕调查,以调查有关鹦鹉螺M. rutilus爬树行为的传闻。结果表明,他们很容易在自己的意愿中爬上地面2 m,这是迄今为止文献中没有记载的现象。相机陷阱视频显示,鹦鹉螺表现出行为和灵巧性,例如末端分支的树栖四足动物和后足旋转介导的头先下降通常与更多的树栖物种有关。因此,北部的红背田鼠可以为小型哺乳动物的扫描学早期阶段提供新的观点。 (C)2015年美国哺乳动物学家学会,www.mammalogy.org



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