首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalogy >Influence of landscape characteristics on migration strategies of white-tailed deer

Influence of landscape characteristics on migration strategies of white-tailed deer


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A trade-off exists for migrating animals as to whether to migrate or remain residents. Few studies have documented relationships between landscape variables and deer migration strategies. From 2000 to 2007 we captured 267 adult female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at 7 study sites in Minnesota and South Dakota and monitored 149 individuals through ≥3 seasonal migration periods (585 deer-migration seasons). All deer classified as obligate migrators with ≥3 migrations (range 3-9 migration seasons) maintained their obligate status for the duration of the study. Multinomial logistic odds ratios from generalized estimating equations indicated that the odds of being a resident increased by 1.4 and 1.3 per 1-unit increase in forest patch density and mean area, respectively, compared to migrating deer. Odds of being an obligate migrator increased by 0.7 and 0.8 per 1-unit decrease in forest patch density and mean area, respectively, compared to resident or conditional migrating deer. Areas inhabited by resident deer were characterized by greater number of forest patches per 100 ha and larger mean forest patch area than conditional and obligate migrant areas. Odds of migrating increased by 1.1 per 1-unit increase in deer winter severity index. Migration behavior of white-tailed deer varied among regions, and land-cover and landscape characteristics provided predictive indicators of migration strategies for deer that could have important implications for conservation, metapopulation dynamics, and species management.
机译:对于要迁移的动物,还是要迁移还是保留动物,这是一个折衷方案。很少有研究记录景观变量与鹿迁徙策略之间的关系。从2000年到2007年,我们在明尼苏达州和南达科他州的7个研究地点捕获了267只成年雌性白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus),并通过≥3个季节性迁徙期(585个鹿迁徙季节)监测了149个人。在研究期间,所有被归类为≥3个迁徙(3-9个迁徙季节)的专性迁徙的鹿都保持了专性状态。广义估计方程式的多项逻辑对数比表明,与迁移的鹿相比,居民每增加1单位森林斑块密度和平均面积,其居住的可能性分别增加1.4和1.3。与定居或有条件的迁徙鹿相比,专心迁徙的可能性每增加1单位,森林斑块密度和平均面积降低的可能性分别为0.7和0.8。与条件性和专性迁徙地区相比,居住在鹿园中的地区的特征是每100公顷森林斑块数量更多,平均森林斑块面积更大。鹿的冬季严重性指数每增加1个单位,迁移的可能性增加1.1。白尾鹿的迁徙行为因地区而异,土地覆盖和景观特征为鹿的迁徙策略提供了预测指标,这可能对养护,种群动态和物种管理产生重要影响。



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