首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health >Temporal variation of indoor air quality in an enclosed swine confinement building

Temporal variation of indoor air quality in an enclosed swine confinement building


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Human health hazards can exist in swine confinement buildings due to poor indoor air quality (IAQ). During this study, airborne dust and ammonia concentrations were monitored within a working farrowing facility as indicators of IAQ, The purposes ofthis study were to assess the temporal variability of the airborne dust and ammonia levels over both a daily and seasonal basis, and to determine the accuracy of real-time sensors relative to actively sampled data. An ammonia sensor, aerosol photometer,indoor relative humidity sensor, and datalogger containing an indoor temperature sensor were mounted on a board 180 cm above the floor in the center of a room in the facility. Sensor readings were taken once every 4 minutes during animal occupancy (3-week intervals). Measurements of total and respirable dust concentrations by standard method, aerosol size distribution, and ammonia concentrations were taken once per week, in addition to temperature and relative humidity measurements using a thermometer and sling psychrometer, respectively. Samples were taken between September 1999 and August 2000. Diurnal variations in airborne dust revealed an inverse relationship with changes in indoor temperature and, by association, changes in airflow rate. Ammonialevels changed despite relatively stable internal temperatures. This change may be related to both changes in flow rates and in volatility rates. As expected, contaminant concentrations increased during the cold weather months, but these differences werenot significantly different from other seasons. However, total dust concentrations were very low (geometric mean = 0.8 mg/m~3) throughout the year. Likewise, ammonia concentrations averaged only 3.6 ppm in the well-maintained study site.
机译:由于室内空气质量(IAQ)较差,在养猪场中可能存在对人类健康的危害。在这项研究中,监测了工作分娩设施中的空气尘埃和氨气浓度,作为室内空气质素的指标。该研究的目的是评估每日和季节性的空气尘埃和氨气水平的时间变化,并确定实时传感器相对于主动采样数据的准确性。将氨气传感器,气溶胶光度计,室内相对湿度传感器和包含室内温度传感器的数据记录器安装在设施房间中心地板上方180厘米处的板上。在动物居住期间(3周间隔)每4分钟获取一次传感器读数。除了分别使用温度计和悬挂式干湿计进行温度和相对湿度测量外,每周还通过标准方法,总气溶胶浓度,气溶胶粒径分布和氨气浓度进行测量。在1999年9月至2000年8月之间取样。空气中尘埃的昼夜变化显示与室内温度的变化呈负相关,并且与气流速率的变化呈负相关。尽管内部温度相对稳定,但氨含量仍在变化。这种变化可能与流量和波动率的变化有关。不出所料,在寒冷的月份,污染物的浓度增加了,但是这些差异与其他季节没有显着差异。但是,全年的总粉尘浓度非常低(几何平均值= 0.8 mg / m〜3)。同样,在维护良好的研究地点,氨浓度平均仅为3.6 ppm。



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