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Territorial pattern formation in the absence of an attractive potential


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Territoriality is a phenomenon exhibited throughout nature. On the individual level, it is the processes by which organisms exclude others of the same species from certain parts of space. On the population level, it is the segregation of space into separate areas, each used by subsections of the population. Proving mathematically that such individual-level processes can cause observed population-level patterns to form is necessary for linking these two levels of description in a non-speculative way. Previous mathematical analysis has relied upon assuming animals are attracted to a central area. This can either be a fixed geographical point, such as a den- or nest-site, or a region where they have previously visited. However, recent simulation-based studies suggest that this attractive potential is not necessary for territorial pattern formation. Here, we construct a partial differential equation (PDE) model of territorial interactions based on the individual-based model (IBM) from those simulation studies. The resulting PDE does not rely on attraction to spatial locations, but purely on conspecific avoidance, mediated via scent-marking. We show analytically that steady-state patterns can form, as long as (i) the scent does not decay faster than it takes the animal to traverse the terrain, and (ii) the spatial scale over which animals detect scent is incorporated into the PDE. As part of the analysis, we develop a general method for taking the PDE limit of an IBM that avoids destroying any intrinsic spatial scale in the underlying behavioral decisions.
机译:地域性是整个大自然中都表现出的现象。在个体层面上,这是生物体从空间的某些部分排斥相同物种的其他生物的过程。在人口层面上,这是将空间分隔成单独的区域,每个区域都由人口的各个子区域使用。从数学上证明,这种个体水平的过程会导致形成观察到的人口水平模式,这对于以非推测的方式链接这两个层次的描述是必要的。先前的数学分析依赖于假设动物被吸引到中心区域。这可以是固定的地理点(例如巢穴或巢穴),也可以是他们先前访问过的区域。但是,最近基于仿真的研究表明,这种吸引人的潜力对于形成领土图案不是必需的。在此,我们基于这些模拟研究中的基于个人的模型(IBM),构造了区域相互作用的偏微分方程(PDE)模型。最终的PDE并不依赖于吸引空间位置,而是纯粹依靠通过气味标记介导的特定回避。我们通过分析表明,只要(i)气味的腐烂速度不快于动物穿越地形所需要的时间,以及(ii)动物检测到气味的空间尺度纳入PDE,就可以形成稳态模式。 。作为分析的一部分,我们开发了一种通用方法来限制IBM的PDE限制,以避免破坏基本行为决策中的任何内在空间尺度。



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