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Daphnias: From the individual based model to the large population equation


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The class of deterministic 'Daphnia' models treated by Diekmann et al. (J Math Biol 61:277-318, 2010) has a long history going back to Nisbet and Gurney (Theor Pop Biol 23:114-135, 1983) and Diekmann et al. (Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 4:82-109, 1984). In this note, we formulate the individual based models (IBM) supposedly underlying those deterministic models. The models treat the interaction between a general size-structured consumer population ('Daphnia') and an unstructured resource ('algae'). The discrete, size and age-structured Daphnia population changes through births and deaths of its individuals and through their aging and growth. The birth and death rates depend on the sizes of the individuals and on the concentration of the algae. The latter is supposed to be a continuous variable with a deterministic dynamics that depends on the Daphnia population. In this model setting we prove that when the Daphnia population is large, the stochastic differential equation describing the IBM can be approximated by the delay equation featured in (Diekmann et al., loc. cit.).
机译:Diekmann等人处理的确定性“水蚤”模型的类别。 (J Math Biol 61:277-318,2010)的历史可追溯到Nisbet和Gurney(Theor Pop Biol 23:114-135,1983)和Diekmann等。 (Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 4:82-109,1984)。在本说明中,我们制定了假定基于这些确定性模型的基于个人的模型(IBM)。这些模型处理了一般规模结构的消费者群体(“水蚤”)和非结构化资源(“藻类”)之间的相互作用。离散,大小和年龄结构的水蚤种群通过其个体的出生和死亡以及其衰老和成长而变化。出生率和死亡率取决于个体的大小和藻类的浓度。后者应该是具有确定性动力学的连续变量,该动力学取决于水蚤种群。在该模型设置中,我们证明了当水蚤数量很大时,描述IBM的随机微分方程可以通过(Diekmann等,同上)中描述的延迟方程来近似。



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